Quick Samira Thoughts (Champion Spotlight) – YamatoCannon Reviews League of Legends #samira #lol

Samira is out on 10.19, interesting champion. I go through how to beat her and how to itemize, choose runes and do more. All of the things are first impression and are a subject of change with time so please take it all with a grain of salt as this champion was just released.

0:00 – Abilities
5:20 – Basic combo
6:00 – Lifesteal and Crit discussion (Itemization)
9:30 – Crit Q test (IE = 25% bonus damage) is the conclusion
10:30 – Alternate builds?
13:30 – Runes and Keystone
15:25 – Passive I missed – Synergies and potential counters

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32 thoughts on “Quick Samira Thoughts (Champion Spotlight) – YamatoCannon Reviews League of Legends #samira #lol”

  1. For those curious about different roles and positions: I did not try enough to have a valid opinion so I am sorry. If you jungle make sure you have cc so you can use your passive to dash and cc them further and then use your e to continue dealing damage.

  2. Hi Yamato, im not sure if riot intented this or not but Runaan's Hurricane works even when you are in meele form, i found that super efficient with lifesteal and crit builds.

  3. I appreciate the video. I noticed you found it impossible to fully demonstrate Samira's passive because of the lack of available crowd control in the practice tool; however, what if I told you that you can spawn an enemy unit next to a dragon, aggro the dragon, and have the knockback effect crowd control for you? I did this myself to verify that her passive does indeed instantaneously apply all 6 stacks of Black Cleaver, which is another interesting interaction similar to Graves's auto attacks. Anyways, I hope you find more things to discuss and enjoy the upcoming World Championship.

  4. Would It be champ breaking if her style rank degraded for copied moves? aa – q – aa = c rank q – aa – aa = e rank. So she's plays normally until you want to all in which is when you need to play her "properly" and actually think to get the s rank. I really don't like how you can just spam buttons until you get an s rank.

  5. Btw, you could have showcased her Passive by doing krugs, they spawn "CC'ed" when you kill the big one.

    Otherwise great vid, very informative! I would have wished that you would have gone into Support combinations a bit more, especially Nami and Thresh.

  6. Hi Yamato, loving your content as always!

    If you don't mind I'd like your opinion about Black Cleaver on Samira :

    I don't see it necessarily as an early purchase but more as a mid/late item. My reasoning behind it is that she loves all the stats on it : the 40 AD (of course), the 20% CDR (would bring her to 40% if she also gets ER) and also the 400 HP (very valuable for a character who needs to put herself in very dicey situations to deal damage. Also, flat HP and lifesteal synergize very well together) but also that the on-hit ms and on-hit armor shredding could be very valuable especially since each bullet of her ult applies those. This would make her insane at shredding armor for her team from all ennemies with little more than half of her ultimate and also with her melee Q cleaving targets in an AoE cone.

    Also a second thought of mine : isn't Sorcery the best secondary tree for her ? Gathering storm seems too juicy to pass on considering her insane AD scalings.

  7. Nope, she is nothing like Jaheira. Jaheira is strong, calm, compassionate, wise, headstrong, philosophical, tough and inspiring. Samira is nothing like that, she is just qiyana2, in terms of trash personality and being broken. 53% winrate on Chall already, thank you very much rito.

  8. I don't get it how could someone not have the energy to watch a 4-minute spotlight video but have the energy to watch a 19 minute video of you doing the exact same thing

  9. The reason her Q crit damage scales linearly with IE rather than multiplicatively like with senna is that, with senna/yasuo/yone, their critical strikes do 90% damage, aka: (1+CritDamage)x0.9, whereas Samira Q simply has 25% crit damage. Crit damage is normally 1.0 but with new crit changes in preseason will be 0.75.

  10. I think riot massively overloaded her ult damage and underloaded the rest of her kit. Her Q should perhaps crit like regular autos, or have bonus scaling, in return for the ult damage nerf.


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