Rampart Got Some Insane Buffs in Season 13! – Apex Legends Season 13

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Music used:

Run – Ross Bugden:


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41 thoughts on “Rampart Got Some Insane Buffs in Season 13! – Apex Legends Season 13”

  1. I only solo queue duos
    Took me until last week to get my first win lol all season 12. I’m aggressive and not as good as my opponents but watching this I might start maining rampart

  2. I just love how the apextubers are all linking together, basically I get 3 jankz videos in 1 day, 3 Itemp videos in 1 day, and 3 SooxFar videos in 1 day. I'm soooooooo happy for yall, keep pumping out the good stuff.

  3. Dude i love your videos, its one of the things im looking forward to every day! Your just chill and enjoying the game, thats just what Apex should be man
    Greetings from Switzerland

  4. Sad she got a little buff and ppl running with her but got ppl like me who was playing her and crypto and got 220 wins with her and 410 with crypto, play them when they were useless and it won't look well bad

  5. Honestly yeah she is a lot more fun to play, last game I played before lunch was with her, a Wraith (who for once didn’t leave as soon as they were downed) and a fuse, we had each other’s back as we kept getting third partied around Checkpoint.

    Her buffed amp shields helped us through most of the ongoing fight and then I bring out Sheila for a bit and BAM!!! she decimated them all…

    First time I had played her since season 10…


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