Ranking EVERY CHAMPION From EASIEST To HARDEST in Season 12 – League of Legends

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00:00 – Introduction
00:49 – Top
03:01 – Jungle
05:22 – Mid
07:15 – ADC
08:48 – Support
11:18 – SkillCapped & Outro

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49 thoughts on “Ranking EVERY CHAMPION From EASIEST To HARDEST in Season 12 – League of Legends”

  1. I find it weird that you'd put Lee in a hard category. He is a extremely easy to pick up champion compared to others. He has massive play potential but you will be usefull without making them too.

  2. I doesn' agree with gp position its not challanger but its harder than every hard pick . Gp need to learn how barells work need to pay attention all the time and its useless when behind

  3. I'm sorry, but this tier list has so many picks for tiers that I just completely disagree with. Maybe a useful guide for a complete newbie to pick up an easy champ, but in general I think mobalytics' difficulty tiers are far more accurate, so anyone wanting to see the real tiers go to mobalytics instead.

  4. Personally I think Orianna could be a bit higher than just medium difficulty. Her whole kit is based on her ball and it is moving really slow, her Q has not got that big range and her ultimate is one of the hardest to land.
    She could be a 1v9 carry in the right hands but this meta is not helping her state aswell. Since she is squishy and has low base stats a player has to work extra hard to survive the laning phase and be reliable in team fights. But there are a lot of assassine who need to buy some lethality and mr and she is done if you are a bit careless.

  5. I personally think sett should be at least in medium tier yes sett Is a fairly easy champ to play but you have to manage your health and need to know when to w especially when all your w damage goes away when you are not taking damage for 3 seconds and wether to ult their carry’s into your team or ult their tanks into their team

  6. How is Ezreal a challenger Pick, yes you dont do as high dmg as a draven if you miss your Q´s. But on the other hand he is one of the tankiest/savest Adc you can pick up, he is so forgiving to oversteps and bad positions in generall even after a bad lane 2 Item spike will be huge even if you miss q´s and just auto attack.

  7. Usually I like skill capped lists, but this is just weird. Just from the challenger tiers alone, we have Kled who's super easy and takes no real mechanics, Lucian and Xerath who already hard stomp games in low elo (Xerath moreso), Aphelios is not mechanically challenging whatsoever, you just need to really read up on his kit, how to abuse gun combos and last shot combos, and gun orders, and it's just a matter of winning at that point. But heck even though Yasuo has one of the highest skill ceilings, you don't need to keyblade all over the enemy to carry games with him. Bard is another easier pick, I'd consider him medium. As soon as you realize all his skills can help you both engage fights and disengage them, and realize you just have a toolkit for cheating through the game, so to speak, anyone can play him.


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