Ranking EVERY ROLE From EASIEST to HARDEST – League of Legends Season 11

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0:00​​ Intro
0:30 Low Elo
0:43 Number One
1:40 Number Two
2:24 Number Three
3:10 QOTD
3:19 Number Four
4:12 Number Five
5:11 High Elo
5:15 Number One
6:00 Number Two
6:51 Number Three
7:35 Number Four
8:08 Number Five
8:52 Conclusion
9:19​ Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.9, Best support 11.9, best mid laners 11.9, best junglers 11.9, best top laners 11.9, patch 11.9 rundown, 11.9 lol, 11.9 changes, item buffs 11.9, turbo chemtank nerfs 11.9, deadman’s plate nerfs 11.9, Hecarim nerfs 11.9, Morgana nerfs 11.9, Diana nerfs 11.9, Dr. Mundo nerfs 11.9, rumble nerfs 11.9, vlad nerfs 11.9, jinx nerfs 11.9, gragas nerfs 11.9, heimerdinger nerfs 11.9, garen nerfs 11.9, moonstone renewer buffs 11.9, death’s dance buffs 11.9, wits end buffs 11.9, kindred buffs 11.9, shen buffs 11.9, xerath buffs 11.9, kog’maw buffs 11.9, taric buffs 11.9, lulu buffs 11.9, trundle buffs 11.9, kayn buffs 11.9, sett buffs 11.9,

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38 thoughts on “Ranking EVERY ROLE From EASIEST to HARDEST – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. oh great my two best roles are the hardest to carry with in low elo feelsgoodman! i feel like its easier to carry on support and actually peel properly and shotcall and make plays for your team where as adc even if you maintain 8cs/min you really arent in any position to make the actual plays for your team you just have to go along the train that has no brakes lmao

  2. The problem with low elo top lane is that yes you can be a mega fed top laner, you can split push and maybe you'll even survive a few roams, but you're not going to be doing shit if the enemy bot laner won their lane. You just concede the win to them right there because they're going to have more damage for you, they're more equipped to peel you with exhaust and support intervention with ADC's having galeforce, if you don't take the perfect fight and don't have reasonable ways for your team to enter the fight after the enemy ADC uses galeforce to provide follow up damage or CC, then forget about top lane having agency even in low elo.

    Top lane is only able to carry like this if bot lane goes even, that's just a fact of the matter.

  3. I usually play mid, but sometimes I just like to take a deload week and go top. As a mid you are expected to win your lane, help your jungler, control both rivers, setup vision, gank bot, help secure objectives and so on. As a top, you are expected to do nothing. If you win, that's great, if you go even, that's also great (unless you are playing against Kayle). I still hate playing tanks, but good 1v1 champions like Fiora, Riven or even Mordekaiser are super fun to play top since your only goal is to outplay your opponent and nothing else

  4. Honestly I think it’s always gonna be top lane simply because it doesn’t engage as much as mid lane or Bot lane and junglers mainly have to worry about ganks in mid and bot also accounted that the enemy jungler is in their jungle but top lane is certainly one of the most chilled lanes and takes patience it is easy to play and it makes me mad when they blame their losses on junglers especially in low Elo because their lane is so easy that it is hard to lose the lane, AND I AM SAYING THIS AS A TOP LANER

  5. You can “assist” carry as a Support quite easily if you have good situational awareness which many often lack because they get focused on what they’re doing not the map. And obviously end game if you have someone with carry potential you can make the difference in the game.

  6. In high elo adc is most likely one of the hardest rĂ´le of the game, you will be oneshotted by everthing, will often get dive because of the meta "roam support' where you are left in 1v1 or even sometimes in 1v3 and get dived, being good at as an adc is not just being good mechanicly but know how to comeback while getting hard focused & weak.

    Playing adc is hard and not funny.

  7. Dude in low elo no role can carry. I go 11-2 most games on top lane but my bot lane has fed there bot lane to much for me to carry. I’m sry that’s just the truth

  8. Alright, let's pretend this was a video about the hardest roles mentally . Jungle would take up all spots, ez lol. As a jungle main in low elo it's so easy for people to flame you when they are losing lane because you apparently didn't gank enough, or fed the lane even tho you haven't died. You don't know how tilted I've gotten when people have done that xD

  9. If you unironically think in Diamond toplane is the third best role to carry with, you have to be cracked. As a jg main, support is shit broken, even more than midlane, and top has no impact on the game 1/3 of the games.

  10. top lane in high elo isnt really easy, on lane you either get fucked or camped if you are ahead, and if you manege to be even or win the lane you still need your team to follow you or make use of your splitpush and take objectives or force 4v3 fight


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