Rapper Reacts to Pentakill FOR THE FIRST TIME!! | Mortal Reminder – League Of Legends

Riot goes beyond making games. Rapper reacts to Pentakill FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Their song ‘Mortal Reminder’ from League Of …


38 thoughts on “Rapper Reacts to Pentakill FOR THE FIRST TIME!! | Mortal Reminder – League Of Legends”

  1. Hi Knox Hill,

    I'd like to suggest you to do a reaction video for Bloodywood – Dana Dan – the raps are great and the message is powerful that I'd love to see more people spreading it.

  2. Man, I remember getting so hyped up for this since it also served as the introduction and teaser to Kayle's Pentakill skin (at the time I was a big Kayle main prior to her rework).

    Sadly, I ended up dropping out of League ever since Riot "upgraded" her kit (I will admit, its slightly better now, but I was so used to her previous kit, cooldowns and builds that it became hard for me to adjust).

    I digress though, thanks for the trip down memory lane. Keep it up Knox!

  3. I love the fact that this video was shown one year before Mordekaiser's rework and already spoiled us his new look. In the old Pentakill skin he had a long mane covering his entire back. Also spoiled us the animation of his new Q ability, smashing the guitar on the ground.

    Riot did a fantastic job with all 3 albums. Still one of my favorites band of all time.

  4. You missed a crucial detail.. The power of Mordes footsteps causes Teemo to lift off the ground and also his hat from his head, twice !!!xD

  5. This video made this song for me, such great visuals to go along with amazing vocals. Deathfire Grasp is another great one imo, PENTAKILL need more videos, far better than KDA. But KDA is UWU so sells more merch lol

  6. Take a video about this ,
    the world satanic elite , you can also call them as the committee for the meeting of the Antichrist and not allowing the 2nd coming of Jesus ,Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people , from the famous ones are Merkel, Macron, Biden, Boris Johnson, Sarcazi, Bill Gates, Zuckenberg , Sergey Bryl and Larry Page ( the owners of Google and YouTube),Pavel Durov , the Bush family, the Clinton family, the same Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Baruchs, Leibs, Coons, Schiffs,Oppenheimers, Ruperts,Waltons, Dupons, Goldmans,Morgans, Carnegies , practically all the royal and imperial families of the world (the most important of them are the Windsors), and other surnames . They are all connected to each other, and they believe that they have a much better chance of gaining eternal life for themselves and corrupting humanity than to lose.Therefore, those new people whom they accept into their community agree to be with them not only because if they refuse and they will be killed, but also because he sees that they have a better chance of winning.They are behind the world wars , they created and spread the coronavirus , now their goal is to create a single unified world and a single world government. All spiritual life will be concentrated within one church,they need it to ensure the arrival of the Antichrist (Dajjal) and prevent the second coming of Jesus and the last judgment ,thereby ensuring the end of history beneficial to Lucifer and insignificant for humanity ,such conditions are allowed by God ,when Lucifer (Iblis) disobeyed God and did not bow to Adam , God could have killed him, but Lucifer (Iblis) asked to leave his life, and for this he will experience the creation of God – man in particular and humanity in general, Lucifer(iblis) (he can not, like any demon ( jin), communicate directly with a person, but through the rites of magic there can be a connection) . For humanity there are 3 variants of the outcome , the first arrival of the Antichrist and such a fall of the spirit that it will not be awarded 2 the coming of Jesus and then the last judgment will not be and all will be erased into dust , except for approximately 190,000 people who helped the devil to defeat humanity ,and Lucifer and those will receive eternal life .to whom he distributed his marks, signs, about 190,000 people (the antichrist, aka dajjal, can command matter and resurrect the dead with the condition that they will not go to heaven), who helped the devil defeat humanity, according to their plans there will be a new Atlantis on earth (a new golden age of humanity) where they will already live foreverand the second variant of the Human spirit on the scale of the planet will be so strong that they will not be able to bring the Antichrist , but will immediately be 2 the coming of Jesus and then there will be a last judgment , and the devil and his servants , it is clear what will happen to them . Well, the last option they will achieve the coming of the Antichrist , but humanity in general will fight for itself and God will let down Jesus and we will win and there will be a last judgment .They are fighting for eternal life for themselves, and for us they want to leave the option that we will all be wiped out and not even bother with the last judgment . The outcome depends on each of you , and your life after death .This information is for you , why in fact the "world elite" and more precisely the satanic elite, or even more precisely the committee for the meeting of the antichrist, is engaged in all this .And our task is to stop them . And let me remind you that the world is being developed by industrialists , scientists , farmers, teachers. And Satanists have always killed and slowed down industrial progress .( People like bill Gates, Zuckenberg, Sergey bryl, Larry page were accepted there after they created their companies

  7. Hi Knox, I really do recommend a song called “starts right here”. Its also by riot games and it was the theme song for MSI 2021 which is a riot organised esports event. I think you would like it as it’s basically all rap and to me, its kinda 🔥.

  8. To be honest I love his reactions. He reacts, pauses when he needs to and talks in an "elevator pitch" style so the video doesn't go on for too long. But he still has input which is entertaining.
    And also ngl, who doesn't vibe to this

  9. Hi Knox, I'm actually surprised that you haven't reacted to the two versions of the LoL song Warriors. The original by Imagine Dragons and the 2nd is a remake (rather than remix) by 2WEI. Both are outstanding songs.


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