Rating a Subscribers *STACKED AND OG* Fortnite Account…

Rating a Subscribers *STACKED AND OG* Fortnite Account…

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EDITOR: https://www.youtube.com/c/Kwanyar

#fortnite #locker

Disclaimer: This Video was made for entertainment purposes only, I do not recommend anyone to buy Fortnite Accounts. Do not Buy or Sell Fortnite Accounts. This Video is Satire! I do not condone this and I do not want any of you getting scammed. All this content is fake for entertainment purposes. I do not use these accounts for personal use. This video is staged for TOS purposes. This was a voice over of a fortnite locker screen recording. My intent is for NO ONE to buy Fortnite Accounts.

REMINDER: Epic Games does not allow anyone to Buy or Sell Fortnite Accounts. It’s against the Epic Games Terms of Service. So DO NOT DO THIS


28 thoughts on “Rating a Subscribers *STACKED AND OG* Fortnite Account…”

  1. He's account is kinda trash cause from the looks of it he just buys the battlepass and doesn't bother leveling up since he doesn't even have the reaper, omega, black knight. My locker is way more stacked since I started playing from season 1 too and have the mako glider etc but started buying battlepasses from season 3 and have the full version of omega unlocked too.

  2. Hey Ian, just here to say something. I know u probably deal with hate because there's always bad people out there. I just want you to know that people like ur content. Just focus on the people that love you, not hate you. I love ur vids man, keep it up.


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