RE Village Livestream | Part 1

After the ordeal I went through to get this game I am so impatiently excited to play it with you guys! And we can unbox the collector’s edition together!


25 thoughts on “RE Village Livestream | Part 1”

  1. I love this stream but I'm quite disappointed how quickly the game rushes through the vampire women's section. After all that build up, hype, demos, trailers, fan art and fan speculation, the entire Dimitrescu family was too underwhelming and lackluster to say the least. I expected so much more.

  2. Ink this game is not a resident evil game vampires and wolves and Little nightmare opening bullshit I thought you liked resident evil off to play originals ps1 ps village sucks

  3. The most gruesome death in my opinion is in Resident Evil 6. If you fail that one quick time event. That monster grabs Leon, and pushes itself head first into a grinder/blades killing him and itself.


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