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#ApexLegends​ #Season10​1#TSMImperialHal


48 thoughts on “REACTING TO SEASON 11 WITH TSM! | TSMFTX ImperialHal”

  1. I see Ash as a “gotta commit” character. Using her Ult Can mean life or death in certain situations while her tactical can mean life and death to others. Hit someone with her tactical, that’ll make them fight you, but that can be a little forgiving to the other player with both the way the tact behaves and the abilities they use.

  2. wraith and octane’s q don’t offer teamplay like ash. her ult provides rotation and can get to height too, without as much risk as octane’s ult. sure there are probably certain situations where octane and wraith’s ult are better, but for the majority of what comp teams like to do, ash’s ult just outshines both of them. and i don’t even need to say how valuable her passive is for comp compared to the other 2.

  3. Ash is more so a wraith mixed with an octane… she can portal on high ground instantly and if you play smart…. No one can follow you since her portal only last 10-15 seconds. Her Q is also very nasty, it prevents people from running or long strafing, or even bubble fights since you would be pulled out the bubble depending on where you Q. I can see an ash/seer/valk being meta just because valk can rotate, ash can track death boxes and recent deaths, and seer give armor information and heartbeat info. You could be an aggressive team with wall hacks, instant rotations, and constant information on the map.

  4. I think they could actually ash buff a tiny bit. Make her portal be able to got longer to 75 or even 100 if respawn really wants to make her her good and make the tactical go faster.

  5. she is designed to be a team based character which is great… my humble opinion… the existence of Ash is an indirect buff for Fuse
    1- Tethering an enemy while fuse is ready with his arc or grenade is very good
    2- tethering an enemy while Fuse is shooting his ult, will make sure at least one enemy gets stuck within ult.

    it can also be used to keep people from entering Gibby bubbles.

    Her kit also aligns with valkyrie if you want to use valk ult to the location of the last attackers for quick kills.

    she is not the best legend in the game but she has good teamplay abilities. if only her Q was able to pull the stunned enemy to the center of the throw instead of just tethering, it would have been great.

  6. Honestly I cant wait for hal to get rekt against ash while he's wraith he'll understand the abilities better, I think ash Is op and once he sees how she strafes he will main her only to be a sweaty ash

  7. New map sucks cock no cover and there’s random vertical locations everywhere shits 6 times worse than new kc also theres animals and retarded halo pulse cannons everywhere.

  8. Her Q slows you JUST enough that it can fuck you up in a tight space. Especially in one of those buildings with small sub rooms, you can really mess a team up. Ash seems to be best with teammates that can pile up with her

  9. The Ash Q also let´s you catch one enemy, if the enemy team is running away. Let´s say you manage to catch one with the Q, you and your team can focus fire this guy easy, because he can´t escape for 4 seconds.

  10. The C.A.R. Is great. Used it in a match and instantly dropped 10 kills in a match at close range. I use it with an R-301 with a blue mid scope and I like it. I feel like it’s damage it’s pretty good though and easy to control. Since I also have the R-301, I have the flexibility with the ammo as well. So idk, I like the CAR though.


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