REACTION: How video games can cause seizures! Grand mal tonic clonics, partials, etc…

This video dives into how certain aspects of certain video games can sometimes cause seizures… Sometimes grand mal tonic clonic, sometimes partial, or all other kinds…

Music: Swallow


Categories N4G

2 thoughts on “REACTION: How video games can cause seizures! Grand mal tonic clonics, partials, etc…”

  1. I’ve been loving your videos! Ironically, I started playing Animal Crossing back in October which is just before my focal aware seizures started. However, I’ve gone days without playing it and there’s no difference. I still have daily uncontrolled seizures and waiting on Neuro. EEG showed abnormal activity but I’m still so curious about other video games. Light sensitivity DOES seem to be a trigger for me though. Probably best to steer clear.


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