REACTION | Zeri: The Spark of Zaun | Champion Trailer – League of Legends

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9 thoughts on “REACTION | Zeri: The Spark of Zaun | Champion Trailer – League of Legends”

  1. Frankly, I genuinly don't even think she'll be THAT 200 years. Here's why:

    My conclusion on her abilities:
    P: build in phantom dancer + piercing auto's. Nothing too insane.

    Q: simple skillshot that slows

    W: shield. That's all. Just a shield. Cuz the shields she gains in this trailer, are all activated on different times and there is nothing else that could be a clear W.

    R: big aoe explosion, followed by a buff. The buff seems to be exploding Q, maybe more move speed and, while hard to see, her auto's get staticc shiv effect.

    Now her E. The mobility spell. Based on this trailer, it seems to be a long cooldown spell WITHOUT resets (cuz she only uses it once in each fight shown here). It's also what let's her jump over walls. So it seems to be kind of like camille E: do you use it for engage or to escape, cuz you can only get one.

    Looking at all this, she seems like a VERY easy champion to punish for mistakes/being out of position, seeing how her only escape tool is also her engage. And her Q woulf slow, but it stops on first enemy hit, meaning maybe minion block? So only her build in phantom dancer is an escape option for her.


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