Reddit is where video games go to die

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35 thoughts on “Reddit is where video games go to die”

  1. Dude there was another article recently about ppl complaining about getting shit for playing on Easy….. They act like changing boss mechanics and health bars and adding difficulty levels doesn't change the game at all. They are so dense.

  2. American companies listening to shitheads on Reddit and Twitter, why are you surprised?

    It doesn't help that Square is publishing Outriders, while they also are Crystal Dynamics' bosses on the Avengers case.

  3. Rip I haven't looked at reddit but the things that I see from people on Discord is it's not a true balance. There are other bugs that and game issues that they should have worked out first before starting nerfing stuff. One example is the after you get to a lvl point some weak items start out performing the top tier gear because the scaling is busted ie 4-5 sots with a lvl 48 vs 2 shots with a lvl 37 on the same enemy.

  4. Where in a generation of gamers where they don’t want to take time to get good at the game they want everything spoon fed to them. That’s why competitive games or really hard games with mechanics get criticize so heavily and not very popular anymore.

  5. Hey keep up the good work sir. And I like your expiation of comic book series because I haven’t read some back in the day like you and love hearing the story from alpha and omega. Thanks

  6. Said it on Twitter, I'll say it again: someone's gone on record to say world tier 6 was too difficult to play *on their own*. That's only one tier removed from the demo.

    I'm honestly surprised at that.

  7. Reddit is lame though just another pro censorship site pretending to promote discussion, opinions, and free speech. It's normie trash people on reddit say what they think others want them to say, they don't express what they truly feel. Difficult games have gotten a bad rep recently so this isn't surprising.

  8. The only thing keeping me from deleting my reddit account is niche communities like fighting games
    Saw so many posts about racism in fantasy in r/fantasy and I swear modern and future writers cant talk about anything else
    In that case its philosophy being mistaken for politics but the few game subreddits I've looked at, all bitch about difficulty or unfairness
    Its like people are being told "you dont have to learn and grow as a person. Everything else bends to you"
    Im looking for a way to get my account banned as a big "fuck you" to them

  9. They were complaining about how hard Ace Combat 7 is, and that game is easy. I haven't play Ace Combat since PS2 era, and I breezed through 7 on very hard first playthrough. Went back and breezed through ace mode too.

  10. the demon's souls re-$$ is disgracefully easy compared to the original….just give the milleniuhlz a 'baby' difficulty. to continue their safety-pillow existence free of the 'terror' of earning something from work.


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