Refine 5 Crescent Pike Makes Xiangling INSANE Main DPS! MACHINE GUN BLOWWW!! Genshin Impact

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29 thoughts on “Refine 5 Crescent Pike Makes Xiangling INSANE Main DPS! MACHINE GUN BLOWWW!! Genshin Impact”

  1. ATTN: Sekapoko, can you please, please, PLEASE, I beg of you, help us fight for Mihoyo to change their weekly upper level talent materials drop rate? It's one thing to wait a week for it, but that's out of three drops which is only a 33% chance. I have 3 out of 4 characters who need the Ring of Boreas from the Wolf, and it's been three weeks since I've gotten a single one. This is fucking aggravating. And for me, a mini-whaler, I am frustrated that I can't develop my characters more. Not to mention my Kequing is sad. Klee is mad. And Mona doesn't want to be third rate. I hope you read this. Please thumbs up anyone who believes this needs changed. It's ruining my game experience.

  2. Wouldn't she do more damage overall by building her as a support with something like the Dragon's Bane? I've seen videos of her getting 15k damage every hit of the pyro tornado. Building for physical damage seems like the weaker option, especially since it's only single target.


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