Reminding Everyone Why We Love Genshin Impact

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24 thoughts on “Reminding Everyone Why We Love Genshin Impact”

  1. I love this game because of it's theory I like the art style and I love adventure 🙂

    New Main story quest coming on 3rd 😀

    Mtstad is creating the drama and complaining about everything he doesn't play the game he just complains I have no idea how he has over 600k subs

  2. ive watched most of your videos and honestly i love how you appreciate the details of this game and i really appreciate you for doing that! thank you so much for everything you've done for your community. <3

  3. artists complain about how people ask whether they can get a piece of their work for free. this game is a massive masterpiece and it's being given to us for free: voicelines, soundtracks, lore, trailers and mechanics, and yet there are people bitching on about mihoyo not giving us enough. we're not even forced to spend on the game to experience all the content. this game isn't even a demo and it looks better than most paid games out there. also whether you're and f2p or low spender, don't shit on people for whaling on the game, it's mostly a joke to begin with and we have to remember it's thanks to them that the game is still active, otherwise they would have to put ads all over the place and force us to actually pay to unlock some content. the community is free to give feedback on what they think would improve the game, but being a whiny little piece of crap when content is either delayed or hasn't appeared shows how inconsiderate you are that you haven't considered the work that needs to be put in before the content can roll out. i mean look at cyberpunk 2077. people egged them on to release the game and what came out was a clusterfuck of bugs and glitches that could've been fixed if people were more patient. if we do that to genshin, the only thing that will come out of it are more complaints and more people quitting the game. next time, think before you shit on a game and the people behind it.

  4. The thing is that this game is special but they are throwing it away slowly by not creating pernament comment and thats where the negativity comes and I completely get it I know we should not expect a Witcher 3 lvl of open world but seeing how beatiful scenery the game has and they do nothing with it is so sad cuz this game would have kept up the hype if it wasnt for MIhoyos greedy practices and lazyness

  5. I 100% agree on the scene dude…Both time I got into the Dvalin's Lair and Liye for the first time I got in, I literally stopped for a few mins to just take it all in. And the Damn soundtrack makes me forget time and only a few games has made me forget my time.

    I've played both Mihoyo games (HI 3rd) and I tell yah. There's a lot of potential just from my experience with they're last game before Genshin. Mainly the potential of the story, and honestly am kinda scared on how they would do to the main story not that It might be a bad one but that they might not pull any punches to my emotion.
    (The GGZ and HI3rd peeps know, but atleast thats prolly gonna take a year or so for genshin since its new)

    And Yes for me, Mihoyo is a good company (and no not just the game devs that has the drive for passion on what they do)
    from what they did and what they are planning, and not only exclusively on Genshin.

  6. The reason why game become boring is because sometime we dont feel like its challenging. Try out some under leveled four star characters in open world, it will be more fun to play

  7. What i dislike about this game is that mihoyo doesn't want to admit their mistake. They made childe so glitchy and he's being so powercrept and they refuse to change it.

  8. At least there's a ton of us who didn't have Venti, that wanted Venti, get a chance in this 1.4 "filler updates" and I totally appreciate that. Not everyone played this game since the release. While I certainly hope and believe that Mihoyo is taking this extra time to actually make a greater content update in future. So it's a win-win situation for me.

  9. Yes, finally someone like me lol. A lot of people just hate on Genshin but they never realize the amount of work and effort they put on the game. I love the lore, ALL of the characters, gameplay, events, etc. it’s all amazing.

  10. My personal thoughts :
    always appreciate mhy for giving us this grand opportunity to play a free game, thats a f2p friendly as well. There's definitely lots and lots to improve, we as the community needs to give constructive feedbacks not just merely bashing without any good base. The things that we currently have at v1.4 is mostly from the community feedbacks from day 1 of v1.0, all of these great things we've achieved is from us giving feedbacks and communicate with mhy. It's not about how things end or the destination, it's all about the journey, your enjoyment and the friends you make along the way. Its okay to quit on games you don't or no longer enjoys. For those who stays, be patience and you will be rewarded, sweetly.


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