Welcome to a new League of Legends New Champion Launch video! Thanks to the LPP I get all the files early to make this video for you all. Her kit seems interesting and maybe a poorly timed launch with a zombie mechanic in her W. Like, Comment & Subscribe! League of Legends Renata Glasc Support overview.

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  1. She seems so interesting! I rarely play support, but knowing how League she might be viable somewhere else. Her animations looks really nice and she seems interesting to play.
    Summoner Name: TBSCcreeper
    Server: NA

  2. She seems like a really interesting character, I’m very excited to see how she will play out in public game, I main support and I’m excited to see we are getting another one. ID- TimeQV/ Server- NA

  3. I like her theme. I love her ult. Direct counter to Tryndamere. He ults, you ult. I will wait to pass judgement on her "w". You only get 3 seconds to get things done. I think that takedowns is too forgiving but other than that, I don't think it's a super big problem. It counters all in champions maybe, but pick champions will be completely fine since the ally likely will not be close enough to murder someone back unless they were close range. Idk if I'm right, but it seems like people could play around that with range pick champions.

  4. First off, nice skin! credit where it's due. I was pretty optimistic during your Q-evaluation, but this W… I feel like it will ruin the early-game combat. Seems SO broken… but maybe I'm just opposed to it because of Chem-drake and all the incentives for playing glass cannon games with insane heals… Also, I'm expecting a lot of bugs on that one XD

    I do accept her E haha, it seems like a pretty straightforward support ability in today's league. I feel like riot is trying to make new champions able to do SO many things at once. Her ult is unique that's for sure, I'd have loved it if they made berzerk be all random, no prioritizing enemies, I think that would balance it out, but it seems situational and isn't nearly as bad as W, I agree, besides you can play around ult with reaction time. the W is just dumb IMO.

    summoner name: bladinius
    server: EU West

  5. i till the end hoped that Silco will be the new "evil" support. But while I am kinda sad he probably never will be part of League, I have to admit that renata looks pretty neat, both from design and gameplay perspective. And she is no anime E girl but seemingly a tough badass crimeboss so even better 😀


  6. Necropolis hawks – LAN: I think the ability to revive a teammate is really strong but the ultimate can create really strong combos. I really like your content. Wish you the best from South America.

  7. oogloo551 – NA
    She's actually so cool, I really like her q, her w is interesting and potentially game changing, her E is a nice mix of support and harass, her ult is super unique and gives a WHOLE new mechanic which I'm excited for, it's all just so cool and her design is sick too

  8. DJKiller457 – NA: I absolutely love the character, their design, and hopefully how they play. Ever since their concept was announced I’ve been waiting on their release since the idea sounded really fun. I am extremely hyped to finally get my hands on them as league kinda hit a lull for me, and hopefully this champ will change that.

  9. (MagiWasTaken (EUW))
    First up, she's not a granny but she's definitely older than other women in League and I'm glad that they didn't release another sexy female champion whose face looks just like Ashe's/Kaisa's/Caitlyn's if that makes sense? Zeri's face could be changed for Kaisa's and you wouldn't notice it in-game but Renate has that mask going but also looks a bit older and more mature in her skin. Yes, we have Camille but… y'know. Aesthetically, Renata's cool.
    Honestly, this may sound a bit controversial but I think she might be balanced? Kinda? Yes, her kit has a lot that other champions have but those champions generally do it better. Karma's E is probably stronger, her Q has more burst, most likely, given that she's more of a mage anyway. Renata is an enchanter whose Q is a skillshot-CC and her E does damage… and her R may deal damage, too, but I don't think that justifies Liandry's on her. I could see her being an Imperial Mandate champion given that she has CC on her Q and R. Given that her R prioritizes her last, I could see Moonstone being built on her.
    If it came to balancing, I would give her W and R very high cooldowns given that they are incredibly huge playmaker abilities. Her W could have a 20 second cooldown, potentially, meaning that you cannot just spam it but have to use it when you get ganked or once or maybe twice in a teamfight. The revive sounds nuts and I wouldn't be surprised if they removed the revive completely but kept the Zombie-state. So, Jinx would die but she keeps living for 3 seconds which gets refreshed on a takedown… or she's not getting revived at full health but instead at 50% health, making it a worse Zilean Ult? I think that could work?

    Either way, super strong champion but in a way balanced. I think Renata's R ability might also be balanced as it only affects AAs and you can probably cleanse the debuff with QSS or Mikael's meaning that your ADC still has the increased Attack Speed and she can then potentially wipe out your team if you misuse it. It's a strong ability but it has the downside to it that the enemies also get buffed by it, which is honestly quite rad. I would have thought that they'd make champions hit with the R ability have an affliction of sorts that makes their abilities also damage allies for a few seconds but this version of it seems really cool and I'm looking forward to seeing it in action!

  10. I really like Renata, but I'm not convinced that her W won't be a bad thing for the game. The wording is a tad unclear, but I'm really hoping that if you die and revive ONCE, the W effect has ended and won't revive you a second time… I can hope.

    As far as her ult, I think it's actually wonderful and much like Vex, shows that Riot is learning in their new champs and making things that all new champs should aspire to. R adds an interesting all-new mechanic to the game and new ways to play and play around it, without feeling like it could hurt the game in any way. The vast gulf between its effect on AD carries or the like vs Mages is a little frustrating, but it's not like there's any other way to do it.

    E seems fairly basic and not remotely problematic while still reasonably cool. Although this ability is reasonably basic, that is in no way a knock against the champion and is if anything a cause for praise to the designers having the self control to withold a full suite of crazy and 'fun' abilities.

    Q seems AMAZING! Hats off to the designers on this one. Yet again, making something fresh and new without having to warp the game or invalidate any other champions. Personally, I'm totally unconcerned about and do not share your worries about the similarity to blitzcrank hook. It's far slower, and even if you hit it's a fairly small pull/throw in the worst case scenario, as opposed to an 1100 unit pull, it looks to be only a couple hundred units, closer to Pyke or Swain. Its very clearly inspired a little by blitz hook, but probably even more so by Swain E (and passive). The throwing a champion in a target direction… Mmm! Love it. Allows for tons of creativity and skill expression, while still totally operating within the bounds of having clear counterplay and being within current league expectations of what a champion can do to you.

    As far as the non-game mechanics design goes, she looks great! I love that we've gotten another older woman champion, although she's still very conventionally beautiful but we'll take what we can get. Even more so, I love that she's got the darker theme going on as that's something support was fairly lacking, although Thresh comes close.

    Overall trepidatious, but excited!

    Summoner name: NoPay2Win
    Server: NA

  11. She looks so badass! I'm not a support player but I'd definitely pick it up a bit just to play her. I do hope she's not overpowered and they find a way to balance her W (though I doubt it) but I'm pretty excited for Renata.
    Summoners: Vortexhero
    Server: NA

  12. destabilization – EUW
    As a support main I‘m very excited for her release. I really like the binding/hook mixture going on in her q. Also really like the e utility. However I feel the W should not be allowed to be a basic ability. It‘s very common for bot lanes to exchange kills very early and these fights are often very close. So having a 3s (!!!) window of pumping out extra dps and potentially even surviving on takedown (which is honestly pretty likely since these early fights are often very close), sounds like a bot lane nightmare to me…
    I‘m excited to try her out nonetheless!

  13. I like the design decision of her being a more sinister champ. Like many i think her w could be a bit too strong. But I think her ult could be helpfull to turn the tides in a game. I cant wait to watch a fed auto attacker killing his own team in a few seconds.
    Summoner name: Sevoredon – EUW

  14. She looks like Singed's daughter in Arcane, and she has Robotics arm and know alot of chem toxic and was crime boss. The name different but she same height as Singed daughter and looking at Admiral skin same facial structure .

  15. my friend just called me literally saying "i just found a good reason to quit leaque" so i wanted to see what's happening, and i get it xD well as a support main, either main her, or perma ban her, and i wouldn't play against bitz as well, so better main it at the end!
    senpaiyameteeuwu (dn't mind my summoner's name, it was a 1v1 bet and i lost it xD) EUW

  16. What I personally like the most about Renata is the pure fact that Riot finally branched out more in terms of body proportions. She looks much older, has more of a muscular build than the other female champions. It’s so refreshing.
    Summoner: Mizusaka
    Server: NA

  17. I'm excited to see what is possible with her mechanics. I really like her E. I like her because she looks badass gives me Silco vibes. Been subbed for 8+ years!
    Ign: TooRaw
    Region: NA

  18. Yatamarasu EUW. 😀

    I really hope they kinda fix the thing, where Renata gets Buffs/Drake/Baron when the enemy Jungler kills it while under the effect of her ult. It makes it impossible to miss out on objectives because the enemy can’t even dodge her ult in the Dragon/Baron pit.


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