Resident Evil 4 VR Reveal Trailer | Resident Evil Showcase

Resident Evil 4 is getting the VR treatment. Check out this world premiere trailer that brings the original landmark classic to the world of VR!


44 thoughts on “Resident Evil 4 VR Reveal Trailer | Resident Evil Showcase”

  1. I do not want this at all. I have no intention on buying a VR system any time soon and was really hoping to see an actual RE4 remake like the first 3 got. This is just RE4 ported to VR. No thanks.

  2. So happy to see this game get the vr treatment. I don't much care for the graphics when it comes to vr, it's about the physical interaction and this game looks to be ticking all the boxes. Smooth locomotion, dual wielding, natural left handed gunplay, realistic reloading mechanics, grippable cabinets, and what I hope pans out to be a well thought out body-mounted UI. The big pain of RE4 is weapon swapping is tedious, being able to do it in real time is going to be a game changer for sure. This doesn't feel like a cheap cash grab, seems like a well thought out conversion to vr. Gonna be a lot of fun

  3. awwwwwww fuck, I thought this was gonna be a real RE4 remake. It looks like the same exact damn game… and the graphics barely look any better. And worst of all, it is stupid fucking VR? SERIOUSLY??????? what happening to doing remakes the RIGHT WAY (IE: RE2 and RE3 remake….)


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