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►So today Respawn announced in the next patch for Apex Legends, they will be removing tap strafing from Apex Legends. This is a super controversial move, leading to tons of angry players on Twitter. What do you guys think? Is it warranted?

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  1. What do you guys think of the incoming change? Mokey put out a good response to it on Twitter, which was basically remove the ability to tie scrollwheel to W so players have to manually do it.

  2. Tap strafing is a glitch. If you want a competitive advantage you should have to find it within the game. I heard all the m & k players talk about how this somehow takes away competitive integrity… how bout the dude that has to shoot back at a guy who's movement is abnormal, and not what the game gas been teaching you to play against this whole time. It's a glitch you guys are taking advantage of, not an in game skill everyone can learn. That's my two cents, I'm out.

  3. No one is forcing you to play this game if you don’t like it stop crying and go complain about a different game. Because every game that has ever been created has their own problems

  4. You kept repeating "everyone can do it". Did you not read their explanation. The problem was that everyone on keyboard and mouse could do it – controller people couldn't. So they had to disable it so controller people would be playing on more even level.

  5. crossplat was a mistake that should've never been forced, i just can't see how it's fair to hinder pc players' experience because it's the better platform. why not add a system for tap strafing on console rather than delete something people put their heart and soul into mastering

  6. I would be absolutely DEVASTATED if wall bouncing was removed. I mean i thought it was a game mechanic??? And it’s not as hard as tap strafing, and console players can do it. So it just wouldn’t make sense

  7. All those satisfying sprays were just what I needed apparently to get rid of my general anxiety. Not sure why, but I'm doing alright now after seeing that. Nice

  8. Wall bouncing won’t get removed because console can do it as well. If there’s cross-play then everything has to be equal. If pc was exclusive to pc then it wouldn’t have been removed.

  9. Kandy, honestly if they removed wall bouncing then more than half of the players would quit so… they wouldn't for that reason if they do pure honesty I'm quitting. (Have a good day everyone)

  10. who cares if is a skillgap , is hard to learn tapstrafe , just remove the scroolwheel strafe and you are set , this is not a baby game , is not like you gonna tap strafe beaming everyone most of the time if not all you are gonna use to relocate ,next we are gonna remove running for pc players because controller move the aim slower , also not to talk abaut the accessability and fairness in ranked and ranked arena expecially with bronze and unranked players getting paired up with you in plat and diamond , yea thats fair

  11. Wall bouncing is no being taken off the game? B-hoping was not initially intended, tap strafing was COMPLETELY unintended, but wall bouncing is an actual mechanic that devs allow. They might take out the speed boost after someone is climbing tho, if people learn how to you it. I'm not upset that they nerfed tap strafing.

  12. you know what has no counter play?
    enemies having better aim and shooting me down XD
    for real – re-add or design a movement mechanic that both keyboard and controller can do to keep the "skill" up.
    logically it also feels like movement base characters will continue to get even stronger if there's no tools for none mobility characters to have these mechanical movements anymore?

  13. I wish they will allow life line to drop drone when down or if she does before hand tap the revive and allow here to get herself up.
    And would love to see ranked switch maps every 30 minutes swap to diffrent maps atleast since the doffrent maps it would easier to be able to spot no line of sight esp


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