Respawn Talks Titanfall, Ash As Season 11 Apex Legend, New Game Modes

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Respawn Talks Titanfall 3, Ash As Next Legend, New Game Modes for the future of Apex legends and the studio. With leaks about titanfall 3 leaked from Nvida then a game director shooting them down to Respawn tweeting about it while also tying in Ash as the next apex legend and a tie back to titanfall 2 with old game modes also coming.

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30 thoughts on “Respawn Talks Titanfall, Ash As Season 11 Apex Legend, New Game Modes”

  1. My thought has always been that Respawn should give Apex a “Titanfall” game mode. All the current legends with their abilities to use in pilot mode, plus the movement ability and titans of Titanfall. Maybe even give each legend their own unique titan that mimics their abilities. Sounds crazy fun to me! 🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. Son does that mean they’re turning apex into titan fall 3 if they add all the game modes from titanfall 2 then that would mean they’re literally building titanfall 3 into apex currently

  3. No fucking chance they care about Titanfall anymore, apex is their money maker and Titanfall 1 and 2 have been abandoned, I just think they'll take the Titanfall aspects but strip away the advanced movement for more boots on the ground movement like there is currently and remove the titans. Basically they'll have team deathmatch apex with the lore spanning outside of just the outlands into the wider frontier

  4. Tf3 is definitely dead, Apex is printing money and a dev literally said it's not coming. The Respawn we knew is dead and now they're content with milking Apex for everything its worth while baiting their main fanbase with the slim possibility that Tf3 will one day come through Apex lore and vague tweets

  5. I learned my lesson with Borderlands 3. As great a game as that is, it just doesn't live up to the hype of the second game. And I fear Titanfall 3 would be the same. It'd be technically "better", but without the unnamed "thing" that made Titanfall 2 one of the greatest multiplayer FPS games of all time.


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