Respawn thinks Apex Legends players are stupid

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Apex Legends Season 10 has been out for almost 3 weeks…and seer still hasn’t been nerfed.

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29 thoughts on “Respawn thinks Apex Legends players are stupid”

  1. I really don't understand why people think seer is so overpowered, maybe stop getting butt hurt about getting hit by he's easy to avoid tactical and get good at the game and avoid them for starters. yes the heartbeat thing can be abit annoying but its not that hard to deal with either if your not bad at the game, and he's ult, simpley run and don't fight in it? look at that seer just became useless in a team fight ability wise….most of the time I just take the hit from he's tactical while my shields are low, listen for audio que's and ambush anyone stupid enough to push it

  2. People always gets this wrong was a few guys from the og cod team just a few not the team I think it's only 2 of them no to sure tho so no respawn didn't make modern warfare 2

  3. What would Respawn have done if Seer launched a week before ALGS? They nerfed Valk's Q very quickly for an extremely situational reason in Comp games end zone, can you imagine Seer in ALGS in this state? LOL

  4. Was so close to unsubscribing when I saw the title😂 a lot of negativity on this channel – thankfully this was just s negative click bait title! Hopefully there’s more positive content soon though.

  5. Lowkey me being a seer main I myself can see why people hate seer. Because I can 1v3 squads and have a higher chance winning with seer than any other legend. And imagine my tactical does like 10 things alone. MAD

  6. man im so tired of hearing the top 1% and the bottom 10% of the game bitch about seer like a baby when hes weak, once he loses that flashbang hes balanced.

    ive died less to a seer than i have as kills as seer and thats not very much.

  7. #fuckseer
    a friend of mine just hopped into Apex for the first time, and after a couple of matches he said he didnt want to play anymore because "that guy that flashbangs and cancels your heals" is so annoying and he wasn't enjoying the game.

  8. I understand having overpowered characters. Titanfall 2 had extremely overpowered Titans and pilots, but because all of the Titans and pilots were super amazing, they were all balanced. As much as I hate Seer and his kit, and as much as I want him to be nerfed, I believe that it is worth a shot to just buff every legend. Have all of them be powerful, even overpowered so that none of them are underpowered. This idea may be a terrible idea, but who knows what will happen.

  9. I agree with everything in this. Just like I think respawn/ea gets paid by Microsoft to make the game unplayable on the Xbox one s. Forcing people to buy the new gen.


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