Ruining Yassuo and Alicopter Unranked Bot Lane Challenge's Winrate | League of Legends

League of Legends season 11 Kha’zix Gameplay! Sybr ran into Yassuo and Alicopter doing their unranked bot lane challenges on stream, Sybr had a fun time killing Yassuo xD

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12 thoughts on “Ruining Yassuo and Alicopter Unranked Bot Lane Challenge's Winrate | League of Legends”

  1. Hi im a new khazix main. Ive been a jg main for almost as long as ive played this game. Im lvl 40 and bronze 1 i believe i can get to silver the next day i have a win rate of 70% with him cause of your guides. So thanks alot 🙂 Im wondering when you stream cause i want to watch how you play kha zix so i can learn and try to take info from your streams to my gameplay. Thanks for making the guides!

  2. So why go Serpent's Fang in this game? They have the one shield from shieldbow, and eventually renekton gets steraks, but that's very little. is it just because Vayne is such a priority target in their low damage comp? forgive me if you say it in the video, watching muted

  3. All I want for Christmas is for my Malphites to stop building AP. I honestly don't think I've had a single game this season with a Malphite that didn't build AP, and it's straight garbage. They always int the entire game.

  4. So when you turn your screen from borderless to fullscreen and cap your settings does it keep you from having FPS drop/lag? Cuz I’ve been having that issue lately and haven’t tried that yet


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