SCAR ATE MUFASA?! Lion King Theorie!

Wait what……….


39 thoughts on “SCAR ATE MUFASA?! Lion King Theorie!”

  1. I respect your opinion but I think that after scar sent the hyenas. He probably waited for the hyenas and then allowed hyenas to eat mufasa body, since this is technically a disney film.

  2. Unless scar ate him a while ago because the lions would have found the dody and that matches up well with a lion skull what if Mufasa had a long head and Mufasa's skull could have been there and he kept it away from the other lions to hide the evidence

  3. Well i don't think that's a lion skull to be honest…
    First of all, that skull looks a little bit small,and speaking of Mufasa, he was bigger and bulkier than his brother, so i guess that Mufasa would not have a skull that small.
    Plus, just look at it, it's clearly has a differenent shape, it looks more like a baboon or something, but not a lion.


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