SEER MIGHT BE BROKEN AND OVERPOWERED! (basically wall hacks) Season 10 Apex Legends

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►The new Legend Seer in Apex Legends is an absolute monster. Season 10 is out now, and I hop in to try him out! Sponsored by EA:

►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come out with my own line of PCs that I personally specced out! Check them out here: and use code “KANDY” for 5% off.

►Come watch me live and I’ll say hi –
►MUSIC: mostly epidemicsounds


28 thoughts on “SEER MIGHT BE BROKEN AND OVERPOWERED! (basically wall hacks) Season 10 Apex Legends”

  1. You can see if you will hit anyone. If you use the ability and the circel in the middle of your screen tourns orange you will hit an enemy. I think thats something that they should remove. What do you think about that?

  2. I just got a pc recently and I had tried to link my ps4 account, but nothing was working. Does anyone know if the problem is on my part? Or is it just impossible?

  3. Seer is what crypto should’ve been and hopefully what he will be like with the rework. Like crypto basically isn’t even a hacker just a pro drone user

  4. He's too OP. His tactical does scan, damage, cancels actions and shows HP. I think it would be better if it didn't do damage. Or at least give Bloodhound the ability to see HP too.


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