Seer NERFED Apex Legends Season 10

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Seer has been nerfed on Apex Legends Season! Lets showcase the changes and understand what they nerfed and why!

TheJoshFeed (Friend Who Helped In The Video):


00:00 Seer Nerfed Text Changes & Breakdown
00:17 Seer Passive Nerf
01:21 Seer Tactical Nerf
03:34 Seer Ultimate Nerf

Today we have some big changes to seer nerf. Because seer nerfed has come to seer apex legends nerf. We highlight every change for seer apex legends season 10 nerf and all the apex legends season 10 seer nerf updates.

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39 thoughts on “Seer NERFED Apex Legends Season 10”

  1. Seer is so effectively easy to use that he becomes an annoyance, every squad has him. now if Crypto was as easier to use, he would be annoying as well but his skill ceiling is so high that either one of two things happen when a crypto is in your squad, 1 You instantly win fights due to the massive info he can provide and if you somehow managed to get eliminated he can get you back up with minimum downtime or 2 Your crypto is an inept neanderthall who is also the most odorous pile of excrement humanity has ever procured.

  2. This nerf was just how to kill a legend 100. When I played him without this nerf I felt the adrenaline fighting a seer as well as playing with him. I’ve never had a problem fighting a seer unless that seer was extremely good. They seemed like normal legends. Seer was the reason I was brought back to the game, forget his “GaME BreAkiNG” gameplay he was just an overall amazing character. This is similar to the death of horizon, my other main. I’m literally stuck playing wraith cuz wraith isn’t getting nerfed. Sorry but I’m not with this nerf, if anything they should’ve just needed the range of the tactical and the cd of the ult, not make him completely underwhelming and in the back lines

  3. The worst part of it is knowing where enemies are at all time and, in my opinion, the healing interruption. It’s INCREDIBLY frustrating, and I think he’s gonna continue to be a problem because of that.

  4. everyone in here complaining lmao damn, y’all really can’t play against seers. he wasn’t that bad, y’all acting like he’s the grim reaper 💀. he was so easy to counter. y’all complain way too much..🤦🏽‍♂️

  5. As a Seer main I have no issues with this nerf. Every can play the game fairly and can stop complaining that the character is op because now you can dodge his tactical. If you get caught in it that just means you're a bad player and should get good at the game.

  6. Holy shit FINALLY, you can runaway from his Tactical and it no longer has the flashbang effect, which can be found BTW IN ONLY-
    Gibby and Bang ult,
    Arc Star
    And Rev tactical.
    And rev tact is TOO small compared to seer tac.

    Passive still strong, literally crypto but better.

    Overall, still probably the main meta champ, just less annoying.

  7. I miss the fact that when you hit someone with the tactical you cant see the hit marker so you cant fully tell if you have hit someone when you are trying to scan and run

  8. These nerds are fine, but I think what most people complained about is the interruptions while ressing and popping a bat, Phoenix, and med, maybe allowing interruptions when seer is able to see the target sounds like a reasonable nerf, stoping a res or bat through walls is op.

  9. Something I've seen some people say they would change about Seer is: instead of his tactical canceling healing/revives it should extend the timer a bit or pause the timer for a bit but not straight up cancel.

  10. Path should get a new passive.

    I read an idea by someone,

    When weapon is holstered, he can zoom in with a 4x infrared so he can scout for enemies.

    I really support this idea as an old Path main.

    I always felt like he was missing something as a scout compared to the other scout that have a way to scan for enemies.

    Although, if they keep his passive the way it is, I think they should add the ability to scan enemies similar to map room.

  11. anybody else think it would be cool if they brought back the 10 dmg but it could only hit shields/only get your character to 1 hp like the octane stim? In the very least show a hitmarker around your reticle to indicate whether or not an opponent was hit by your tactical (regardless of whether or not it deals dmg)


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