Seraphine League Of Legends Champion Spotlight

Learn more about Seraphine The Starry-Eyed Songstress in this Champion Spotlight from Riot Games for League of Legends.


26 thoughts on “Seraphine League Of Legends Champion Spotlight”

  1. Can you already stop making the same champions over and over? Literally every champion is based on human and looks like lux or zoe. If you are pouring champions one after another maybe make something more unique like malphite, renekton or Tahm. Also, why would you make a champion like this? There is literally no point to pick Sona anymore. Soon we will have to read a book to play a champion. The kits of the champions are over the top. I mean take a look at Pyke for example. Has hook, that also slows, can be used as a fling, and as a damage tool. He also has invisibility, gaining tons of movement speed, and also healing? Oh wait, he also has a dash, which…guess what? Stuns people, AND goes over the walls. And I didn't even mention ultimate yet. Ahh yes! Darius ult, that is also an aoe pretty much. AND WAIT, there is more. He also generates gold for allies. Like what the hell is this? Compare this to something like Garen and Singed. This game is a total downfall.

  2. So let me see if I've got this correct…
    Her Q is damage, just like Sona's but better.
    Her W is healing, just like Sona's but better.
    Her E is move speed, just like Sona's but better.
    She has a passive that goes off after every 3rd ability, just like Sona's but better.
    And her ultimate is CC in a line, just like Sona's but better.

    Have I got that right?


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