Shadow Priest in Torghast – Shadowlands Beta Torghast testing!

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Today i decided to try out torghast on the beta as that is what we will be doing in shadowlands what do you all think of it? Also should i do more?


9 thoughts on “Shadow Priest in Torghast – Shadowlands Beta Torghast testing!”

  1. Hey guys i just wanted to correct something real quick that I got confused about. I thought there was 8 floors turns out its layers and not floors and it seems there is I believe 6 floors per layer {if I am wrong correct me on this as I may have misunderstood} but yeah otherwise I wanted to correct myself

  2. I'd be very interested in seeing how well mages do in Torghast, especially frost. I'm trying to decide between hunter and mage as a main, and I'm confident hunters will be fine in Torghast… mages, I'm not as sure, since they have no heals and no tank pet.

  3. I would def like to see you clear as many layers as you can,i also would like to see you do this on a fresh lvl 60 with no legos to kinda see how some of the classes do in here just starting out.


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