Shadowlands 9.0 Assassination Rogue Guide (Part 1: Talents, Conduits, Legendary, Soulbind/Covenant!)

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Our first guide for as we get ready for the launch of Shadowlands! Today we’ll be looking at Assassination Rogues, and going over things like talents, stat priorities, conduits, soulbinds, covenants, and legendaries to get you started on your journey in Shadowlands! I hope this guide will be helpful to you. ^^

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All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:

0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:37 Overview
0:01:15 New Ability Ranks!
0:03:00 My Recommended Leveling Talents
0:05:24 Stat Priority
0:06:14 End-Game Talent Choices for Single Target/AoE/Mythic+
0:08:24 Conduits/Soulbinds/Renown Overview
0:10:32 Assassination’s Potency (DPS) Conduits
0:13:06 Covenant Choices (Single Target/Mythic+)
0:14:25 Legendaries
0:15:10 Assassinations Best Legendary/Great Mythic+ Alternative

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to message me here or on my Twitter account for the channel @ZeraTheRedRogue.

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As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I’ll see you guys around.

*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.

Thanks a ton to the folks who run Bloodmallet, as they give so much information to the community at no charge at all. Support them if you’re able to, or at least spread the word of their useful content to the rest of our community.

Much appreciation for the fine folks at for the wealth of knowledge they give to the community.

Much appreciation to Shane Ivers – for his musical piece “The Buccaneer’s Haul” Which I used a portion of after adding a couple sound effects from WoWHead.


18 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.0 Assassination Rogue Guide (Part 1: Talents, Conduits, Legendary, Soulbind/Covenant!)”

  1. As a disclaimer- I still recommend you DON'T pick a covenant off of what is 'the best' right now, and that you try them for yourself. Blizzard actually has managed to get them REALLY close together in most cases for DPS (Like within 1.5% patchwerk sim, it's nuts how close it is), and the outliers will be nerfed anyhow. Heck they nerf things that aren't even outliers. xD So just keep the in mind, and do what makes you have fun, and if that's chasing the meta then there's nothing wrong with that either, it just might be worth trying to see how you like a covenant's playstyle before settling on one. Have a lovely day, and I'll see you guys around. <3

  2. nice vid! was wondering if playing with a one handed weapon and a dagger to swap between outlaw (for toghast…) and sub (pvp) was a good idea? i think it s strange to get goods weapon tho i might go for it 🙂

  3. Thank you for covering assassination! Even though its seems it’s in for a rough start in SL , I hope Blizz will buff the spec or introduce new conduits that will make it more competitive.

  4. Ah assassination, potentially the least changed spec in the entire game from BFA. You have my respect for making this guide even though I find the spec itself frightfully boring. And add that to being underpowered, I can't imagine many rogues will go assassination

  5. Again, thank you for information and insights about my favorite specc! =)

    Although I'm a bit sad about the fact that assa will probably will have no place in m+ (kinda switched place with sub from bfa), I'm really looking forward to raiding with it. I've seen some fatbossguides from the first raidtier and I think some fights will suit the specc really well. As a necrolord, there are even some fights where you can multidot with your covenantability, neat!

    Personally, I don't like the first and last talentrow, because with assassination you always kinda feel forced to decide between single target and multi target in very, very niche ways. In no other specc I played it is that bad of a descision. For that reason I'm not a too big fan of the blindside talent as you. Surely, it is interesting. But the fact that it's loosing value, as soon as there are a second add (or more) in comparison to the other two options, makes it feel so restricted. The only "place" I think it's cool to have is PvP, but there you want to have master poisoner for better healreduce, slow etc. .. So, that's why I kinda dislike the talentrow from perspective of descisionmaking. ^^
    I hope Elaborate Planning will pull ahead for PvE in general again, because I don't have to swap playstile that significant between bossfights and it's, although passiv, important for your rotation, because it's making energypooling a thing instead of spamming, which affects your gameplay.

    For the last talentrow (and as a solution to the aoe-problem of the specc), I have an idea for a change: Make Crimson tempest baseline for the specc and as talent, passively make it stronger, maybe add a big instantdmg when you cast it a second+ time and the dot from it is allready up, or simply make the dot stack or something. Assa is the only specc right now who doesn't have a finisher baseline for big aoe.

    To end with, I have a question for the necrolord covenantability (not the classability): Is it possible to build up and channel the shild in stealth or does it break it?

    Thanks for your work! <3

  6. Best Assassination Rogue Covenants for Raiding

    As said above, Covenants are close. Nevertheless, there is a slight numerical lead in simulated DPS for the Night Fae. They offer a good package of bonuses starting with the three good soulbinds that cover pretty much every situation well, to the helpful movement utility from Soulshape, to a fine class ability with Sepsis.
    Best Assassination Rogue Covenants for Mythic+

    The Night Fae stay strong and the Korayn soulbind come in with an interesting pack of damage increases when it comes to dungeons. The Covenant abilities themselves make little DPS difference, so Korayn scores with the two powers Wild Hunt Tactics and First Strike. These perform pretty well when there is a regular flow of new enemies because of add waves and trash pulls.


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