Shadowlands 9.0 Subtlety Rogue Guide (Part 1: Talents, Conduits, Legendary, Soulbind/Covenant!)

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And this will wrap up the initial guide series for the launch of Shadowlands. I figured I’d save the most hyped for last- Subtlety. ^^ I hope you find this information useful in your leveling/progression to Shadowlands

Community Discord?!?

All of my WeakAuras I made for my personal UI:

0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:36 Overview
0:01:19 New Ability Ranks!
0:02:44 My Recommended Leveling Talents
0:06:39 End-Game Talent Choices for Single Target/AoE/Mythic+
0:09:33 Stat Priority (Single Target/Dungeonslice)
0:10:10 Conduits/Soulbinds/Renown Overview
0:12:31 Subtlety Potency (DPS) Conduits and Sources
0:13:38 Subtlety Potency Conduits Ranked
0:16:17 Covenant Choices (Single Target/Mythic+)
0:18:51 Legendaries Overview
0:19:31 Subtletys Best Legendary/Great Mythic+ Alternative

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to message me here or on my Twitter account for the channel @ZeraTheRedRogue.

If you liked this video or the channel in general, I’d infinitely appreciate you informing any folks you know that would like this too. You don’t have to, of course, but it’d be super awesome if you did. ^^
If you are interested in helping support the Shiba Shenanigans, maybe become a patron of mine? Thank you so much for your time and consideration. ^^-

As always- This is The Red Rogue, and I’ll see you guys around.

*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.

Thanks a ton to the folks who run Bloodmallet, as they give so much information to the community at no charge at all. Support them if you’re able to, or at least spread the word of their useful content to the rest of our community.

Much appreciation for the fine folks at for the wealth of knowledge they give to the community.

Much appreciation to Shane Ivers – for his musical piece β€œThe Buccaneer’s Haul” Which I used a portion of after adding a couple sound effects from WoWHead.


37 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.0 Subtlety Rogue Guide (Part 1: Talents, Conduits, Legendary, Soulbind/Covenant!)”

  1. thanks for the effort man. sincerely I hate blizzard for letting things stay OP for so long and suddenly making them obsolete a few days before launch. The covenant shit is by far not game changing as they are stating but it will still count for a few % of your performance.

  2. THE SUB VID ^.^ Thanks for all the info! Love the call out of trying all abilities while leveling. Making decisions based on stat/ability increases that could be tweaked at any point will likely result in a frustrating game experience. Beta means unfinished game! I have to re-tune my expectations of min-maxing and just try abilities and covenants for how fun they are. Glad the rogues are closer than expected in sims!

  3. As someone who is new to wow (started maybe 4 months ago), I love my rogue but ive only played assasination and im kinda scared switching it around. Also im going with nightfae because everyone says its the best, is the best for both ass and sub?

  4. Great guide! I love that you explain why and not just say this or that is best. I also appreciate you pointing out how close a lot of the covenants are. Takes the pressure off πŸ˜ƒ

  5. gostaria de ir de assassination porem sinto que vou afundar meu time com esses nΓΊmeros πŸ™ para lendario no inicio o master assassin seria o mais interessante? mesmo para o sub?

  6. Really liked sub rogue kit, but I’m probably really bad or don’t know how to use him in the right way, because I’m always the lowest dps as rogue in mythic+ I really wished there was a detailed guide for people that are new to the sub rogue class
    Nice video btw

  7. Another amazing video Senior Red Rogue!. If you would please, what addon do you use for your Name plates. I really like the font (on targets) and the discrete combo points attached to the nameplates.

  8. I was super busy with my masters thesis, which I handed in yesterday (hence the lack of comments lately), so this video is just in time to get me up to speed for Shadowlands. Thanks! πŸ™‚


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