Shadowlands: Castle Nathria MELEE DPS RANKINGS: The bottom 6

After looking at the damage profiles from Castle Nathria bosses, we can now attempt to rank the DPS based on their strengths going into these encounters. We’re starting with the lower half of the Melee DPS!

0:00 Intro
0:50 Survival Hunter
4:02 Feral Druid
7:30 Outlaw Rogue
10:52 Windwalker Monk
14:13 Arms Warrior
18:05 Fury Warrior
21:35 Outro

Video from October 21st, reuploaded from my alt-account after finally getting acces back here!


28 thoughts on “Shadowlands: Castle Nathria MELEE DPS RANKINGS: The bottom 6”

  1. Coordinated Assault is a 90 second cooldown? It's a 2 minute cooldown. The fact that you thought it was 90 seconds makes me think you were using Wild Call (on an older build as well). And using Wild Call makes me think that you just randomly picked a legendary you thought might be good. You said it yourself that CA is not a great cooldown, so it follows that Wild Call is not a good legendary. You could have come to that conclusion if you had put any thought into it.

    Your argument is that aoe is bad and your justification is that "WITHOUT TALENTS IT'S BAD". First off, the two base spells you highlighted both have their cooldown reduced by haste, and Carve reduces Bomb's cooldown, meaning Bomb's cooldown scales twice as well from Haste, which is our best stat for all situations. Secondly, what kind of garbage argument is "without talents or legendaries", when we have an entire row of powerful aoe talents and our best single-target legendaries are aoe? Guerilla Tactics and Hydra's Bite are both incredibly strong when coupled with Wildfire Cluster and Latent Poison respectively. But I guess you wouldn't know that by logging in, grabbing a polearm and a random legendary and fucking around for a dungeon or two.

    Even if your argument is that we have to sacrifice single-target damage to increase our aoe, it's simply not true. Wildfire Infusion is performing MUCH better than Birds of Prey, because again, as you said, CA is bad. How can you start the video by saying our cooldown is irrelevant and then go on to overvalue everything that buffs its uptime? Currently the best aoe setup IS the best single-target setup. Latent Poison is the best legendary, closely followed by Wildfire Cluster, and Wildfire Infusion and Guerilla Tactics are the best talents in their row. You don't have to sacrifice a damn thing.

    Then you go on to say that you know a spec scales horribly when their Mastery is bad. I guess that's why Frost Mages are so bad now that they're all playing Thermal Void, huh. That's a nonsense argument. Survival's Mastery is garbage, for the reasons you describe. It only affects about half your damage and yet its % per rating is only slightly higher than crit/vers. But that, by itself, is not nearly a valid reason to say a spec scales horribly. Not all scaling happens through Mastery.

    You don't actually present any data at any point. Did you sim anything? How did you make judgements about any spec's DPS? Did you just log on, pick some random stuff and play around for a few minutes? Do you think that counts as analysis? Is your anecdotal and inexperienced information so solid that you have to influence people based on it?

    Don't make "analysis" videos and ranking videos if you're clueless about the specs in them.

  2. i'm a little confuse with the warrior positioning, after watching the profile video most of fight are heavily ST and some having some cleave (but 1 or 2 targets at most) with only 1 fight having more aoe oriented fight, doesn't that eans that arms should be on top fury? is my understanding that arms is way better in ST than Fury and the whirlwind aoe that fury has loses value when almost all fights are ST, so i'm not sure about this, maybe there is something i'm not seeing =P

  3. SHIT. I saw this video, immediately clicked on it and started looking at the chapters saying "pls god don't have both warrior specs on here… there's Arms… fuck, there's Fury too".

  4. 8:05 how are you measuring the impact of mastery? The energy regen from main gauche is significant and will be much higher with slice and dice up. It might not be as weak as you're thinking, but it's not great no matter what.

  5. I don't think Arms should have been put on this list. I've tested all the specs and Arms is one of the best specs I've played. "Every" class has their positives and negatives. This is all opinion based. Good players figure out their class and play what you enjoy. Look at it this way…If you have 3 classes that are near perfect. Are you going to play those classes? Some will, but not everybody. I'm not a "flavor of the month player" I play what I enjoy and make it work. If that lands me in the middle of the pack on the meters than so be it. They said Feral was one of the worst specs to play in BFA and a guy in my guild 11/12M and he was top 3 damage all through BFA. Don't listen to others and they're opinions. Play what's "best for you." You will enjoy WOW a lot more.


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