SHADOWLANDS IS LIVE! So How'd It Do? – Launch Review

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Shadowlands is live! And before the dust even settles let’s do a launch review of the first few days of the new World of Warcraft expansion.

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24 thoughts on “SHADOWLANDS IS LIVE! So How'd It Do? – Launch Review”

  1. Smoothest launch ive ever been apart of in this game. Obviously when 400 people are standing near a portal its gonna lag, that goes for ANY game. The wow haters like to act like having that many people on screen is a non issue in other mmos, which is bullshit. Anyways, there was a bit of lag to start out but as soon as i got through i literally had no problems the rest of the night. I played for like 20 hours generally lag free, not one DC or problem i can whine about. Very happy and surprised. Ive seen and caught people who i personally know who hate wow and just love to hate on it, making fake accounts just to shit post online about it. Funny how so many people want wow to fail just becuase.

  2. I had to work beginning of the week so started Wednesday and have had no issues so far. I just started ardenweld and at lvl 58 almost. I have been mining, fishing, side quests, and other stuff just relaxing through the story. Can't wait to hit 60 though and get to some stuff I didn't have time to do on beta. Have a great holiday weekend.

  3. Hello! I'm a new viewer that was curious about this new expansion. I want to say that I appreciate your review and the style in which you did it. The split-screen between yourself narrating and the gameplay helped bring everything that you were saying together. Keep it up!

  4. My launch went great. Playing Horde on Thrall US and was taking my time to read quests and explore so I was miles behind the pack. Ended up only hitting 60 last night after being to exhausted this week to power through it, but really really liking it so far.

  5. I'm really enjoying everything so far. I feel a little overwhelmed at end game right now as I just finished up the campaign and now there is all this stuff I have to do and it feels like I'm just trying to keep my head above water at the moment. I know once I gets used to everything it'll be a lot smoother but right now it's like knowing I have a test in the morning but not enough time to study.

  6. ok so what you're saying is its ok for them to time cap anything? I have capped most things in 3 days and can only progress with two options. mythic dungeons (which is weekly locked) and battle grounds (which is also currently time locked too). with this equation I could play a maximum of 3 hours a day every week and be as geared as someone that plays for 12 hours a day. for me this is absolutely ridiculous. why is blizzard catering to the casual player so much when they had two years to create something that wasn't so lacking in end game content.

    Also why does it seem like they will be releasing pay for rep or some other form of pay to win mechanic?
    unfortunatly this would have to be a 3/10 for me. it feels like i could cancel my sub and come back in two months when everything isn't capped to play a full game

  7. I personally had 0 problems and I am shocked about it! During every expansion launch, I had numerous issues but man was this a good launch for me.

    My friend on the other hand had to wait around 30-40 mins but other than that and 1 or 2 disconnects, he didn’t have any issues either.

    Overall, it was the best launch I have experienced in WoW!

  8. I'm starting to think my time has come. I hit 60, picked a covenant, and now I'm extremely unmotivated to grind it out. The benefits don't seem to be worth the effort, honestly. I'm generally not having fun with it at all and it makes me sad. I never wanted to reach this point. Maybe 16 years is long enough? Everything feels like a chore and it really bums me out that I feel like this. Not sure what to do. And I mean, it's totally me. I'm not blaming the game.

  9. I really, REALLY hated the kyrian and almost gave up on the entire expansion multiple times while dragging myself through bastion. I still haven't convinced myself to resub when my time runs out- not sure I can take two years of having to interact with them.

  10. I had/have a lot of queue waiting times, but no lag to speak of once inside, the only in-game issue I had is when I first went back to Oribos to get to Maldraxxus the screen went white and then I was fallen until I landed dead in the Southern Barrens, can't imagine how that happened, but I laughed it off moved on and made my way back to Shadowlands, so far I've found this expac to be way to easy to the point of boring, but that's just me, not to disparage because I've found other ways to have fun with it as I try to make leveling a lot slower than what they've intended it to be, I've just always found it to be much more rewarding when I have to work for it and I didn't find BFA to be bad at all, in fact by the time I was done with any expac I found that I ended up liking them because I don't need the same repetitive gameplay every time, I'm hoping the same for this one, however my out the gate response to Shadowlands is, "eh"!

  11. As someone who mains Horde on EU Dreanor… 5 hr queues, takes 5-20 sec to sometimes do stuff and the crashes… Oh god the crashes! But that was only the first 2-3 days, now it’s much better! Still 2 hr queues, but the rest are pretty much resolved!

  12. I've had a surprisingly smooth experience. It's refreshing to see a mostly polished launch for a wow xpac. Really digging Adventure Mode and Torghast. Definitely adds a lot more replayability.

  13. For me, it was probably the smoothed start since… Lich King? (don't remember cataclysm, but pandaria was horrible) I had no problems at all, started few minutes after 0:00 tho since I was stuck in Overwatch Match. xD

  14. I have only played since WoD so have only seen legion and bfa launch until shadowlands.

    I was there though at the literal second it launched, i soon found myself powering through the zones and hit level 60, 7 hours later with breaks…

    I loved every minute of it and with my alts I'm taking it much slower. I've only experienced one issue and that was one quest not completing because I was in a party in the maw. Other than that I am loving this expansion so far


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