Shadowlands MISTWEAVER MONK M+ Dungeon Gameplay – Fistweaving Legendary Buff! WoW Beta

World of Warcraft Patch 9.0 Shadowlands Beta Mistweaver (MW) Monk healer fistweaving M+ dungeon gameplay preview video. This video covers the changes to “Ancient Teachings of the Monastery” legendary power and how it might impact mistweaver performance in Shadowlands.

I heal Plaguefall dungeon as part of Shadowlands Beta.

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Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Expansion.

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27 thoughts on “Shadowlands MISTWEAVER MONK M+ Dungeon Gameplay – Fistweaving Legendary Buff! WoW Beta”

  1. I actually think Tear of Morning will be the BiS lego in 5 man, even while fistweaving. In a raid ToM is hands down BiS, no competition. But, being able to have 5 ReMs out in your group while extending HoTs with Rising Mist, one Enveloping Mist, and your group is healing through some serious damage.
    Target your tank with SooM -> EnvM -> Vivi, and your entire 5 man team is getting massive cleave healing, with the ToM lego.
    AtotM is a winmore lego – it just makes easy content even easier, but it doesn't make hard content easier in the slightest.

  2. They could just revert the Rising Mist nerf to make fistwaving viable for AOE healing. The only reason RM was broken before was because of corruption and how much stats we had. In shadowlands, I don't see this being an issue. Just seems like they are spending a lot of time trying to fix something that they are going to remove next expac instead of just changing the talent which we will have for years (most likely).

  3. It should be an interesting video. I have recently levelled one to 50 and really enjoying it (my first healer outside of classic). Been watching any SL vid i could find to see if it's a good choice – i am still havingmy doubts! Too many negative videos so i'll probably make a 2nd just in case (maybe shaman?)

  4. Bliz basically took away something that’s already working and replace it with this clunky shit, so glad I went disc so I don’t have to deal with this bs

  5. Min-maxers will tell me what is the best /castsequence in my macros o) And I am still going to try to master Essence Font + Refreshing Jade Wind talent + melee. And of course Spirit of the Crane to keep mana up. Crane CD talent is still an option, but once again it replaces ability instead of adding it. And of course there will be second legendary for places/weeks where melee is too bad.

  6. Honestly even though the last iteration of Teachings was kinda of bugged I enjoyed it more. I did more % of HPS overall with it because I wasn't forced into a window to get my DPS to proc heals. So the "uptime" of healing for me was higher because I was constantly DPSing and not having to stop to cast Essence Font… Meaning, I could use potions of intellect to buff my damage, use Sinful debuff proc on weapon etc to strong arm my way through with DPS to HPS.

    I do feel this design choice is far more inventive however and has more gameplay involved. I've been finding that preloading with Tiger Palm for the 3 Blackout Kicks before casting Essence Font has been working really well.

    So Tiger Palm > Tiger Palm > Tiger Palm > EF > RSK > x3 Blackout Kick > RSK and then seeing if you can get another RSK in before the end. This is huge HPS topping if you are positioned properly in range to hit the ranged specs. I would say a lot of the challenge in dungeons right now is hitting those Mages and Hunters who tend to stay far away from the group, so positioning is very important. Knowing how big mobs hit boxes are etc so you can always blanket the group with EF for highest efficiency.

    On weeks like quaking, and other affixes that mess with the channel with EF I could see cancelling EF early with RSK to interrupt it to get the most out of the buff so you don't get caught channeling and silenced etc.

    Right now I am running a heavy crit and haste build which has been working really well. 30% crit, 15% haste and the primary Teachings (RSK and Tiger Palm) have been doing 15% of my HPS. The triple hits from Blackout combos doing around 6-7% HPS… so roughly 21% HPS from the Legendary which is similar to last iteration.

    Did an 11 and 12 Theater of Pain last night and was easily able to manage that 3 pack + big aoe dude at beginning easily with Crane + Teaching dps. Also the large pack before Arena Boss was manageable however I had to use Kyrian CD for that pull. It requires way too much HPS on Fort/Spiteful.

    Both these runs with this Lego I did around 3.4-3.7k hps overall which was more than enough for the key level.

    Right now I am sticking with Kyrian covenant because the CD is just too good for managing difficult situations. On weeks like Fortified/Spiteful in Theater some pulls are ridiculous as far as damage output from mobs I.E. ghost pull, giant green elementals during portal phases, some of the mini boss AOE. Other dungeons like Sanguine Depths, Mists (2 pack before first boss), Thrash mobs in Halls. Also Tyrannical fights having Kyrian is a life saver. I was torn between Kyrian and Fae because Fae Stomp adds huge dps and "OK" HPS and great stats (15% haste) but really it cant compare to surviving pulls with Kyrian in high keys. The DPS is for nothing if my group dies because I couldn't pump enough HPS.

    Oh one final note about going Kyrian… Even though other covenants give better dps over Kyrian I've been doing anywhere between 1.1-1.5k dps overall in dungeons right now with Kyrian (Pelegos)

  7. I can’t really explain how happy I am about this.
    This. This is exactly what we needed.
    Although our specc conduits are still poop, and our spells are still as buggy as ever (lol @Chi-Ji getting double healing from EF, but is still unaffected by Resplendent Mist and Jade Bond’s CDR), at least all of our leggos are good in the right situation!

    While it’s buggy, (doesn’t correcly convert damage to healing, nor apply crits and versatility properly into the equation), the new ATotM finally gives us something that embraces true Fistweaving, and actually makes us want to dps to increase our healing, rather than to dps for the sake of the boss has to die.
    However, I’ve seen monks who’s been worried about the possible mana consumption of pressing EF on cd, which ATotM more or less requires to keep the buff up at 100%.
    Couldn’t a solution to that be that ATotM is changed to something like this:

    “Your Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick heal an injured ally withing 20 yards for (20~50%) of the damage done. After casting Essence Font, this healing is increased to 250% of the damage done for 15 sec.”

    That would slightly alleviate the mana toll, as well as simply being a pure quality of life change. You can still keep 100% uptime on the buff, and you probably will in most scenarios, but if you want to let it drop off and only heal very light damage, you can do that too.

    It won’t be OP by any means, and Tear of Morning and Yu’lon’s whisper will still be our best legendaries by a long shot. However, I sure think it’s a quality of life change that is worth considering!

    Thoughts about this? =)

  8. I want a full melee healer. I love the melle healer play style. I am going to playing holy and mist because of this. already got a decent dos build for mist that's working well so far with the kirian soulbinds

  9. I think the question is if there will be any upside considering the DPS. Sure it's fun, and I love the playstyle, but if any other optimal build will be just as strong, there is not rly any reason to FW. I think they improved the playstyle almost superb, but I would need to be it more rewarding in order to put time into it.

  10. I really want, so badly, for mistweaver monk to be good. Playing my vulpera monk makes me so genuinely happy and I am absolutely obsessed with wacking things in the face. It just is so fun for me. ;~;

    Here's hoping that Blizzard is listening and doesn't give up on this– I see so much fun potential here I am genuinely excited.

  11. Blizzard took away melee combat healing for Monks only to give it back in a very limited form via an endgame system, I'm a YUGE fan of melee combat healing but not a fan of the way Blizzard has handled Monks. Way of the Crane should be a baseline for healing with Legendry's improving a playstyle , not BEING the playstyle.


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