Overview of Subtlety Rogue spec for PvE content, from the least played spec in BFA to possibly one of the most popular melee specs we will see in Shadowlands?

What changed? How does it work? What type of damage does it do? Who would find it enjoyable? Let’s go and cover this the spec and see what it has become.

00:00 History of Subtlety
1:10 Big Changes
3:55 BFA Borrowed Powers
4:35 How Sub Works
8:30 “easier” Sub
9:10 Legendaries
11:05 Talents
15:35 Closing Points


Video from October 28th, reuploaded from my alt-account after finally getting acces back here!


27 thoughts on “Shadowlands: SUBTLETY ROGUE”

  1. You think Sub has gotten enough nerfs by now?

    13 out, 4 more to go!

    What's left?

    Balance Druid Review

    Unholy Death Knight Review

    Affliction Warlock Review

    What is spec Scaling?

  2. Man subtlety looks so fucking BORING.
    In shadow dance? Spam Shadow Strike and Evisc.
    trash packs? Spam Naruto storm and evisc
    Single target? Spam backstab and evisc.

    Literally a 2 button spec.

  3. Hey man thanks for the video. Wondering if you have the import code for that weakaura where the combo points generate above your abilities and don’t show anything when you have 0

    The one your using while hitting the dummy

  4. ppl always play the most OP spec – everyone is liek "omg i always played sub its at last good i hated assa/outlaw" fuck u did – if they would nerf sub and make assa fotm you will reroll in a blink of an eye. Since release is coming in few weeks sub will 100% stay op for first tier since they got no time to make changes which means specs like survival or feral will stay absolutely useless

  5. Subtlety: "We finally got rid of Nightblade's 15% damage c*ckblock that previously slowed target swapping."
    Arms community: "Deep Wounds now increases damage dealt! Hell yeah!"

  6. Awesome content m8, any plans on one of these for sin rogue? Curious has to how you feel about scaling with leggos synergy with conduits/cov abilities to a lesser extent (feels like rtb every week with their strengths so its stupid hard to predict). Could blindside become relevant? Feel like its a sleeper spec at the moment with silly potential down the line.


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