Shadowlands – Warlock LAST SECOND Kyrian To Night Fae Covenant Swap? Why And What It Means!

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We have less than 24 hours until Shadowlands is live worldwide! I wanted to talk a bit about the recent Night Fae Covenant swap speculation and what it means for us!

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21 thoughts on “Shadowlands – Warlock LAST SECOND Kyrian To Night Fae Covenant Swap? Why And What It Means!”

  1. hey dude – just a quick thanks for all the content you put out. I'm a Warlock main who has returned to WOW having last played in MoP and last REALLY try harded in TBC! These vids have really helped me catch up 🙂

  2. after leveling to 60 now i kinda actually liked the night fae. obviously at my level of play i could play anything, but for destruction is Night Fae actually decent enough for mythic+ ?

    For pvp it actually seems like it could be nice with the teleport and some of the soulbinds too. i just really dont want to be angel lock lmao

  3. If you don't raid much or do M+ then really the covenant doesn't matter, so in that case play what you want. I'm still going Venthyr with my Destro Warlock because vampires fit Warlocks better and there is no way my Warlock can run with the tree huggers. Just no.


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