She's Just Better In Apex Legends Season 11

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Valkyrie is just better than the other legends when it comes to total survivability and repositioning. The competitive meta has shifted and ALGS now sees Valkyrie have a 38% higher pick rate than Wraith since Apex Legends Season 11.

Despite this, Valkyrie still has a low pick rate in pub games, or unranked, which is quite surprising. So here’s another look at why Valkyrie is still underrated.

0:00 Intro: Valkyrie Is Better Than Everybody Thinks
1:05 Valkyrie Solo Vs Duos Gameplay

Credit to Singh Labs for the competitive meta data:
Credit to Apexlegendsstatus for the pub pick rate data:
Credit to the official skin artists for thumbnail art:
Wraith voidwalker:

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43 thoughts on “She's Just Better In Apex Legends Season 11”

  1. Take part in the Apex Legends heirloom giveaway and pack opening stream:

    Valkyrie is just better than the other legends when it comes to total survivability and repositioning. The competitive meta has shifted and ALGS now sees Valkyrie have a 38% higher pick rate than Wraith since Apex Legends Season 11.

    Despite this, Valkyrie still has a low pick rate in pub games, or unranked, which is quite surprising. So here's another look at why Valkyrie is still underrated.

    0:00 Intro: Valkyrie Is Better Than Everybody Thinks

    1:05 Valkyrie Solo Vs Duos Gameplay

  2. Valk main here. But I like suffering and playing underrated and underpowered characters so I'm thinking I'll go back to Crypto 😉

    Valk is so very very useful across a range of scenarios and I love playing her.

  3. Man I was so surprised and excited to see wraith making a comeback in the ALGS pick rates.. but then I realized it was EMEA not NA. Which her pick rate hasn’t made as drastic as a drop there for whatever reason Hahah. Oh well. Glad to see Ash coming in so quickly

  4. Been a Rev main since he was released but started playing Valk when she came out in S9 and she's all I'll use on Storm Point. I've won a few solo games this season thanks to having high ground and better mobility.

  5. I think part of why not a lot of people use Valk on pubs is because of her ult especially in soloq ranked games. A lot of people tend to not get in Valk ult, and the guys using Valk don't want to go somewhere far away from their team which basically makes her ult a bit useless.


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