Should You One Trick to Climb? | League of Legends

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Today’s champion group discussion entails One Tricks! The Rivens, Yasuos, Lee Sins, Vaynes, Rengars, those types of champions. We’re gonna be figuring out whether or not they’re actually good for climbing!

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48 thoughts on “Should You One Trick to Climb? | League of Legends”

  1. I one trick Gwen jg and I’ve only been playing ranked for 2 months and it’s gotten me to gold 3 with a 68% win rate on Gwen jg so it’s been working out for me is all I’m saying.

  2. I've met 2 Asol mains in my ranked life and both did very well but were extremely toxic and flamed everyone for not having perfect macro like them xD

  3. 11:30 one time, I was in iron for quite a while, then my friend said one trick nasus, I made it to bronze, and by now, I’m one game away from promos to silver, and I found a cool main, just farm, decide if I should splitpush or not, when I do however, I can really tear down their base, cause I’m nasus

  4. As a garen main you are so correct. I leaned fog of war and how to get in range of ranged champions. Sometimes ppl pick vayne top and lose to me. Bush garen is known for a reason. There is not many ways to get in range so we rely on strats.

  5. I had a couple friends bashing me the other day for one-tricking, "you really need to expand your horizons". And part of this conversation which I feel doesn't get attributed enough value is:

    What about fun?

    Sure I could fill main and let others pick my champ for the lulz but that's just not fun to me. I like making the enemy ragequit with Teemo and golden-realming and roaming with Bard. Like, naturally over time I find other champs to add to the pool (just discovered Thresh and I enjoy) but I'm not going to play a bunch of champs I don't have fun as for the sake of "gitting gud".

    It's a damn video game. If other people want to make it a sweaty grind to achieve grandmaster and only have fun when they win…well they can do their thing. But I'd like to play my few champs I enjoy regardless of if I win or not lol.

    Ever watched an enemy team slog through a minefield of shrooms as they try to take your nexus? Sure, they may get it eventually, but it's hilarious to watch them work for it. Ever made the enemy waste a rift herald as Bard? You may be losing jungle but you just straight up made them waste an entire jungle objective.

  6. 0:33 The example of Yorick was honestly AWFUL to prove your point. Yorick has one of the strongest playerbase of all the game, being the ultimate niche champion with more OTPs than the likes of Lucian, Blitzcrank, Lulu or Viego. Amumu is a far better example of this since his low skill cap means low attachment, as well as Corki due to how awkward it feels to play and build.
    4:58 Have you done your searches? Zilean has an insane popularity as a OTP. The specialist video explain that unique champions is the key of being prone to have a small but dedicated, loyal fanbase, which is one step of being a OTP. As a matter of facts, Zilean has MORE OTPs THAN LEE SIN.

  7. ASol mains carry hard enough that they made riot nerf their champion. 3-5k people boosted the winrate HIGH ENOUGH so riot had to do something about it. Its pretty amazing

  8. i enjoy your content because it doesn’t fall into the same guide style every single other how to do things video. that being said i just can’t be… good at the game? i’m always in bronze 4 (haven’t entered iron yet, phew) and no matter how well i do i can’t get any traction, every good game is followed by 4 losses, do you have any suggestions? am i just bad and unsalvageable?

  9. I just can't play the same champion for a long time, my highest mastery doesn't pass the 200k points, its refreshing pick a guy that I haven't play ina while and playing him to warm up for the rankeds, and its been succesfull at the time writing this.

  10. I choked on my food a little when Vars just casually brings up jerking off as a routine. It's just weird hearing him say something like that when he comes off as pretty professional most of the time.

    Also nice avatar comparison, very fitting

  11. "Vlad an Anivia are different"
    Yeah, one takes skill, the other just magical starts killing everyone.

    But besides that, I remember how it was when Anivia was REALLY struggling in this game, even saw to slow but steady decline in her win rate (granted I blame that more on assassin's and slayers getting more and more buffs which got annoying…) Though that still then stop us from playing her despite what others said, cause most of my wins probably came from playing her just because I knew her better and the enemy didn't (sometimes about both their champ and mine, hehehe.). I don't one trick, tried it and it got boring after like 20 games, but I do tend to lean more towards champs with low pick rates or just take dedication to, like twitch, kindred, xayah, poppy, Ornn; you know, anti-meta basically, cause being meta is good but I prefer skill expression over, "oh I just followed what the guide told me" and they're only meta for a while sometimes but you're main, in your hands, will always be meta. it's good to always be prepared for an auto fill in my belief, riot ain't removin' it so might as well adjust to it and learn at least ONE champ in every role, just in case. Two if the champ has a chance of being banned at times. So that's been my thing, and yes I may not get past gold with it, but I have come close once so it's possible.

    I need to stop with these long posts….

  12. Can't help but feel that Fiora vs Aatrox comment was personally directed at me, that one time in norms and I autofilled Toplane and they picked Aatrox, so I picked Fiora, then the loading screen came and it was a 600k mastery Aatrox…. fml.

  13. Using the same bruce analogy, i think that a dude who practiced 4 kicks 2500 times is even more dangerous than a 1 kick 10000 times. A small poll of champions you manage well is the best strategy to climb by far, with one main and a pocket pick you have actual practice with. In my case I would be the Sona main, but if sona isn't ideal due to our team being more explosive i have no problems to use Nami, Lulu or Taric.

  14. A little off topic, but I always wondered why people believed that their own Yasuo always ints and the enemy Yasuo always carries the game. Same thing with how they always think that their team is inting or bad. Theoretically, it should seem like whether you get good or bad teammates should be around 50/50, and yet it always seems that we find ourselves in bad situations than another. Does anyone know what this psychological term is, and where it stems from?


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