Should You Skip Xiao For Keqing and/or Hu Tao?! Genshin Impact

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39 thoughts on “Should You Skip Xiao For Keqing and/or Hu Tao?! Genshin Impact”

  1. IFF you really are ONLY F2P and/or want constellations on Keqing then that banner is good.
    If you pay some money or want to collect diff characters than keqing banner is a pass.

  2. Polearm users (sword as well) are always a pain for F2P, either sp or physical DPS, if character wanna be element dps you have to use starglitter or battle pass. I accidently got Xiao while try to pull Diona and I have no desire to use him at all.

  3. Imo unless your pretty desperate on farming constellations for keqing dont pull the only good one on her banner is benett. Id rather go for the coming wolf gravestone tbh. Still depends on players tho

  4. now alot of people dont talk about this when it comes to keqing. Yes she underperforms in dps compared to other 5 stars. Now is it by alot? no not by a huge margin but yes its definitely there. The thing about keqing is she can perform well enough to beat everything in the game. That being said the real reason i love keqing is how fun she is. Shes one of the only characters in the game you can build really however you want. Physical dmg boom works. Elemental dmg boom works. Now to talk about how shes not a limited character. Yes very true she isnt a limited character but for people who are f2p it would actually benefit them more to pull on her now because they have a very low chance of getting her from like 50/50. Limited banners are getting re run like venti is you can assume that xiao would also get re run. Now another thing about xiao is when hes not in ult form he is unbelievable bad now no offense to xiao mains but damn.

  5. I got my 3rd Qiqi after 50 pulls in Xiao's banner. Im now 73 pulls in the banner for soft pity but in real need of a DPS (currently running my C4 Xinyan as physical DPS). If I get Xiao in the last 7 free pulls before his banner ends then great, if not I'll get me Hu Tao or whatever comes after Keqing's banner.

  6. I got Xiao and I wanted to save for the rumored venti rerun… but I want some Fischl constellations and I want Bennett for Xiao’s team. Should I save for venti or get the 4 stars

  7. Imma Try Pulling for Hu Tao and Venti if he comes Back 😂 I'm Still Far Away from Pity since Getting Xiao, and the 5 Star isn't Guaranteed, so, I'm Just gonne Pull till I hit Pity and see what I get 😂 If I get Hu Tao, Great xD if not, Even Better xD cause, I can Get Venti as a Battery and CC for my Xiao 😁

  8. hu tao sounds to be the only char currently able to compete with ganyus insane damage. I hate power creeps but I'm hyped because I have pity and homa on my side:D


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