Should You Summon Or Skip the Ganyu Banner? Genshin Impact

The Ganyu Banner is revealed, and I wanted to give my honest review of the characters and overall banner. Should you summon, or skip this banner Viewsonic …


42 thoughts on “Should You Summon Or Skip the Ganyu Banner? Genshin Impact”

  1. I think the only reason I'd want Noelle at this point is because she is my only claymore user. I've got all the catalysts (Mona, Sucrose(C1), Barbara(C2) and Ninguang) and a couple bow users (Fischl(c1) and Diona). So while I feel like I desperately need a good claymore user It's difficult to get behind the rest of the characters and knowing just about everyone else is better with a claymore I feel content to skip this banner.

  2. Ahhhh I'm so sad i don't like the characters of this banner exept xingqiu who's my my best support T-T. Plus I'm F2P and I'm saving for xiao I don't know what to do 🙁

  3. Calling Ganyu Support is like calling Diluc a sub-dps. She have one of the highest base ATK and her ascencion give CRIT DMG. Can't wait for the "I WAS WRONG" video because she's going to be one of the best main dps.

  4. Why do people keep saying Ganyu is a support character?
    I get that her burst alone is great for support, but her entire kit is geard towards doing big crits with her charge attack.
    Is her charge time to long to make her a main DPS or am I missing something?

  5. I was really wanting Ganyu…but then I saw the side characters and turned hard.
    I'm likely going to wait until I see what the Xiao banner looks like and then decided to summon for Xiao or Ganyu.

    I have a lot of characters that would work well with Ganyu…but I am not going to be using those other 3 hardly ever.

  6. Meh… Ayaka is what im waiting for with 92 Intertwined Fate and 72 wishes in with the rate up banner… im just saving Inter Fates so i can maybe get a dupe for her. I’m skipping every character until i get Ayaka

  7. Really like my C4 Xiangling, she is indeed a gamechanger. If I could get her to C6 (paired with my Diluc might work out pretty well…) and also another Xingqiu, this miiight be the banner for me.

  8. I don't understand why a lot of players build a character solely as dps 😒 that's not how a team should work, for example i build Noelle, everytime i ascend her it's her def that increased unlike diluc who is crit rate, so if you are kinda stupid and pushing a tank to become dps then u won't see how useful she is 😕 also barbara whenever you ascend her it's her hp increased but ppl sometime build her as dps why? 😂 She clearly is for healing.

  9. Real shit I'm gonna smash this just for noelle. Just started last week & I use her for her shields & charged attack w the big ass club that does aoe dmg. I'm a f2p player & use traveler, lisa, noelle & amber as my main team w a constant rotation in battle. Ar 24 & I do alot of co-op cuz I find it fun to just help others. In my world I been taking the story slow & do 5-8 quests a day if even that much. Love your content. Very informative & entertaining! Does any1 play this on ps4? If so how is it compared to mobile? Fyi I play on mobile

  10. but don't plan to deal melt dmg with Diluc on frozen monster, just apply cyro but dont freeze the monster, Diluc's E will proc shatter before melt can be proc, which means melt are not going to appear.

  11. Yeah It’s so sad that the 4 stars are so meh on this banner. For me, the Ganyu Banner brings me a 5 star I like kit wise but where I don’t need the 4 stars.
    While the upcoming two banners are probably the exact opposite: I have no interest in Xioa and Hu Tao, but the banners will feature Diona and Ning for 100% 😒


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