Skarner’s Rework: Riot’s LAST Chance To Fix Him | League of Legends

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Skarner has won the VGU update poll by a landslide and is expected to be Riot’s next major overhaul after Udyr. In response to that I wanted to make a retrospective going through Skarner’s past versions, and why I think he was Riot’s worst mistake.

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34 thoughts on “Skarner’s Rework: Riot’s LAST Chance To Fix Him | League of Legends”

  1. Before watching the vid: Hey! My boy is not a failure >:(
    Edit: Well he might not have that natural damage for a juggernaut. But still new items had helped him a lot with damage and resistance; specially quemtank.
    Also I'd like to see that the control points remain after the rework. Really helps to controll the map at the JG side and also helps with gold.
    If you ask me, I would overhaul his E and aspect. Q is awesome at clearing camps and W is just pretty good to roam around the map and accelerate to catch someone. The E barely works well to lock a target, but makes a good job. But is a terrible follow up after using your utl. He is a professional anti assassin/carry champ. But his survivability, damage and durability during late game needs tweaks.
    Still, I'm exited to try new stuff with him before he passes through the rework treatment. I just hope he doesn't get the Aatrox treatment.

  2. aatrox skarner nocturne volibear were my OG melee champs back when i used to love the OG Aatrox, i think they can’t save skarner they just gonna make another yorick rework and be done watch…

  3. To this day shyvana should have won second placed just to be cucked for the four time in a row I’m getting tired of it there’s no cool playable dragon champ that won’t get nerfed out of no where just because his one tricks are fucking gods at him

  4. they shouldn't have to have a VGU win for this guy, like come the fuck on, I know riots busy making more 200 years champions, but I'd rather have the game fairer for EVERY SINGLE CHAMPION. playing Skarner reminds me of playing Udyr, if the game goes well, then you will snowball and have fun the entire game, but if it goes even slightly badly, which is only too often due to solo queue being a pain in the ass, then you're going to get tilted and get your face smashed into the river. they want people to play champions like Viego or Akshan or Vex, but in doing so they're making a mistake in letting older lesser-known champions die out. don't even get me started on stuff like RELL or IVERN, which no one can play unless they one trick them to high hell. there's just so many forgotten champions that Rito worked on for months, yet only to toss them away because they don't understand their own game and how people are playing it.

  5. I think the biggest reason people were so upset with thr Aatrox rework was that, when they did it, Aatrox was actually in a good place. They had reworked the Blood well and his W to such a degree that he was actually becoming Meta.

    And then they deleted him.

  6. Would be cool if he had a dash somewhere, kinda like rek'sai, it would be very on theme

    Some sort of bleed or poison that damaged over time? Like, he's a scorpion. Lol. Maybe even reduce healing

    Other than that, I just hope he doesn't feel so clunky to play

  7. skarner is my favorite champ in the entire game and I have hundreds of games on him.

    Unsure where I stand on what I want Riot to do with him, I want him to feel more playable in all situations because you can definitely feel the limitations of his kit quite often when playing as him, mostly when you just cannot run the enemy down, you are quite useless. He also tends to struggle when his team is behind as he cannot seek a pick on his own & playing to catch someone jump on your team can also be fairly useless if no one has the damage to follow it up. Things like that can definitely feel really bad while piloting him but he’s such a fun champion to play, and I really enjoy all of his kit honestly? I think the right choice is a full overhaul Urgot style but also I fear that I could lose the champion I’ve come to love so much.

  8. 2 millon mastery on skarner, made it to master on LAS server, champios is good, just change the passive because noone on your team activates it, change the W for something similar as reksai tunnel and your done, also stop putting dashes, walltricks and that stupid stuff on new champs

  9. It might be very odd, but playing Skarner as a diver support is actually very fun and not that bad. Sure it's not a top tier, but I find it more relevant than in the jungle. In my opinion, Skarner is a terrible Juggernaut with his actual kit and shouldn't be played as one, but he is ok as a diver. Playing against bot lanes with low disengage lets you pressure them quite well, you usually go for high mobility which let you roam mid while beneficing from the crystals bonus move speed. In teamfights you can either dive the enemy team or protect your carry with your CC, you build full tank to engage and disrupt.

  10. A modification I'd like to see: change the mark on his e to empower his next q for more damage, his next auto to stun (like it is now), or his r to last longer (perhaps he doesn't self-cc during his r if marked by e). Possibly invert the movespeed on his w. Instead of shield + movespeed, have him get passive movespeed from his w, and his w consumes that movespeed to give him a shield. That gives him several meaningful choices to make which allow for buffs to his damage but also gives him clearer moments of weakness.

  11. make him different but dont take away from reksai if its going to include unbrowing stuff. potentially they might change his class however, which is fine for me, i just want a fun champion to play.

  12. I go through rotations of characters I play for a while and skarner was one of them. Speaking from experience, he really doesn't feel like he has impact during the game as even his ult can feel a little useless at times.

  13. Skarners main problems are damage creep and the current items and runes combined with the fact that his whole kit has >100% scaling for either AP or AD, yet he has no other use for items. He is not miserable, his state is bad, but not "Hehe AP Shyvana E", "Lol towerdive with 1 dirk", "where passive" or "spin, crit, crit, spin, imortal, crit" bad


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