So I Made Your RIDICULOUS Minecraft Ideas…


In this video I made your dumb ideas again and honestly you’re getting better. Hope you enjoy the video, spent a long time making this one so I hope it turned out amazing!


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#Fundy #Minecraft


49 thoughts on “So I Made Your RIDICULOUS Minecraft Ideas…”

  1. I don't have a pet hamster, and I have some ideas
    Idea 1:
    make it so that every single mob can only reproduce via mitosis (this means no more baby mobs), and if you just to make Matpat happy, make the dragon do that too (note, do not do this with entities such as Armor stands and TNT, and also, do it so that they are exact copy's i.e. copying name tags, copying effects, copying health, copying current state in an animation if you can)
    Idea 2:
    Make it so that Minecraft is more realistic, i.e. every block can fall so you need supports when building a house ore a large cave, falling blocks that are moving sideways and up can still do damage to you (just try to launch a anvil to a iron golem with the anvil going to the iron golem but without it falling on to them) when something heavy falls onto you you die, when a block that is lighter like gravel falls onto you, you do take some damage but then the gravel breaks, when a creeper/TNT explodes blocks go outwards, make it so that you actually have to draw on signs (this was not in Minecraft for some reasons that is not kid friendly) zombies actually can turn you into a zombie and other non-undead mobs into zombies, however, do not include this for mobs that don't make sense for it to become infected (i.e. iron golems), wardens sonic boom actually moves at the speed of sound (or just a really fast speed) and other realistic stuff
    Idea 3:
    try to recreate the events that happened in the music discs 11, 13 and the warden music disc which's name I forgot in Minecraft
    Idea 4:
    and lastly, have you seen villager news, you should watch it, if you can, make the entire village from there, and yes, I do mean the villager vehicles, the villager news building and lastly Villager #4 (or as he says when he wants people to think he is not himself, Villager#5)
    Sorry for the long comment😀


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