something BIG is coming to apex legends…

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something BIG is coming to apex legends!!

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39 thoughts on “something BIG is coming to apex legends…”

  1. I’m so happy a lot of apex content creators are getting into huge orgs! Apex is definitely just getting started with exposure and hype and I can feel it as well!

  2. I don't know why people think you're being negative, speaking the truth doesn't mean you're being hateful. If nobody says anything then absolutely nothing gets done, if respawn messes up they NEED to know.

  3. We need more content creators that give their honest opinion. Negativity is the only way apex can get better. Ppl need to realize this. Keep doing your thing bro. Also Please stream more. I wanna see more POC playing apex 🔥

  4. I think something that should also be looked at is the shadow royale ltm returning this season. Respawn has been testing various forms of gamemode content for several seasons now. Whether from the ltms, arenas, or takeovers, Respawn has been trying to find a way to introduce new content that will effectively retain players to make the extra work put into them worth while.

    So far, Arenas and permanent gamemodes as a whole have had the best player retention compared to ltms. However, the player feedback makes it seem like Ltms are more desirable despite having the lowest retention rates.

    So for this reason, Respawn is doing a test to see if one of the highest player retention ltms, Shadow Royale, is able to compete with the Rampart Arena's takeover. If Shadow Royale fails to retain players at a rate higher or on par with it's previous release, you can say bye to Ltms from ever releasing for quite a long time.

    If you read through this, than here is some BREAD.

  5. im just sick of people saying the game is dead and "they need to take a break for a season, to improve the game." meanwhile those are the same people who would say I WANT CONTENT as soon as they would announce something like that

  6. I will say this, there is no game out right now that has the movement apex has , you can do some crazy plays with the movement alone , i think where respawn is lacking at is there connection with the community and doing those stupid cash grabs that they do , i think Season 11 & Season 12 , Fans need to see this game have an updated server system and i think the cash grabs need to go away i also think they need to change the battlepass system to where you can go back and earn those rewards especially if you purchased that certain battlepass, and ranked needs a overhaul to its current system ,there's really no reason to grind ranked cause half the time your team mates or you get kicked out of the server before the game starts, to the point of which where you lose points and get a penalty for leaving the game and timed out. I do think there is something big for apex ,RESPAWN just needs to deliver and not drop the ball.

  7. Hey guys i have good news for you apex has alot of cool thingy coming wohoo something big is coming just like any other season that big thing is just bull shit ,bull shit coming this guy i bet Ea paid him to hypes us once again a good season ended up dry once again and fucking disappointing just like very single season

    dog shit servers
    too much lagg
    alot of bugs
    low level team mates o arenas y br and when you play another game guess what you go against a freaking high level player's.
    too much toxicity

    fucking campers .

    terrible event

    too much hype last for a while and then dies

    Toxic ttv are gays and pretty much trash at the game they rush a team and rage quit only wraith mains and octane mains do that

    the skill based match making is so bad pretty much pros are just on bots lobbys getting easy kills and win


  8. It’s always interesting to hear someone hate Arenas. Because for me, it can be way more fun than the BR mode, because it’s fair. I have horrible luck, and a decent amount of skill. So I tend to get third parties over and over again in BR. And that’s not fun to me. Also not having the loot I want, or the enemy having better loot, is something that happens too often for me. But when I play Arenas, it’s fair, and I get a fair chance. And that’s where I win so often. When I’m tired of the injustice of BR, I just go to Arenas to remind myself that I do have the skill.
    Also, Respawn has been really letting everyone down lately. I was really wanting to get to diamond this season, but the moment I get to platinum, the servers get worse than they ever have been. And it’s been that way for weeks. And the season is gonna end soon, and I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to get to diamond from the split, when they eventually fix the servers. It’s just disappointing

  9. One thing, I would say about ur videos is that u do keep it real but when it comes to click bait you do us bad men, for example I felt that this video didn’t have to much information about apex, but instead you talked about the big organizations that are putting money on players. Just my opinion I think your title videos should be a little more specific instead of just a “ clickbait title”
    No mean to disrespect or been negative.

  10. Top 3 issues Respawn/EA could fix
    2. Get a bit more inventive with cosmetics (If they are going to be 4 dollars a peice, they could at least be as good as games 5 years ago)
    3. Tweak skill based matchmaking so people cannot smurph as easily

    If no one draws attention to it, it wont get fixed.

  11. Bread. Something tells me faze is going to get invested into apex. Nick owns part of faze and he's been expressing too much interest in the game for faze to not try to throw their hat into the ring.


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