Sony Has Xbox Fans Switching To PS5 With New Spec Announcement! Microsoft Is Panicking Now!

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Sony seemingly has Microsoft in a vice grip and simply won’t let go. One of the biggest things the PlayStation 5 has managed to do is really surpass any and all expectations levied by the β€œexperts” to say the least. Now it’s the console fans and PlayStation 5 owners who are getting all the benefits in this situation, meanwhile it looks like Microsoft has straight up lied to fans and left them disappointed yet again.


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35 thoughts on “Sony Has Xbox Fans Switching To PS5 With New Spec Announcement! Microsoft Is Panicking Now!”

  1. Who would want YOU on a podcast?? You dont know what your talking about and you hate constantly on xbox. Ps5 performing better? Thats the devs call not console manufacturers smart guy you said it yourself series s didnt have any enhancements for nfs hot pursuit. I hope you get banned from xbox live for all the hate you promote towards them.

  2. I'd hate to spend 70 dollars on a game where it perfroms worse has no next level play tech in DUALSENSE and tempest 3d audio. It seems the other console's audio chi is a dud and you have a last gen experience..,you cant feel the game and it performs worse.

  3. Funny how the ones in this thread calling him a fan boy or ripping on his content aren’t attempting to challenge him with their own facts. I find it interesting. My statement coming from an observant position only. Not a defending position. I had to throw that last part in there so people don’t get it twisted.

  4. Nobody wants crapgamer on their shows because it would TANK viewers why would anyone sacrifice their fan base to put this crybaby on lol he's literally angry at people for not caring about him it's so pathetic

  5. In this video he admits hes a pathetic fanboy for one console, then proceeds to blindly do the same on another console. So he hasn't changed. He's just a fanboy that changed console, lol. The lack of self-awareness with this guy is shocking. All the dislikes because he makes crap content.

    Mystic is a good channel. This stuff is kiddy console wars from 2007.

  6. Lol I have a series x and just scored a ps5 so watching vids to get pumped but wtf.. the ps5 is consistently running game at lower resolutions then series x.

  7. It's funny that we just make this a power battle… But then hide the fact that the ps5 ssd was supposedly supposed to be like 2 or 3 times faster than xbox.

    Yet the games load at the same speeds. sometimes xbox loading faster.. Lmfao

    Guess everything ain't what it turned out to be?

  8. Lol omg guy. know one cares about remastered games god man need to come down. ps5 has not done nothing to the Xbox/Microsoft. I seem to be upset about Microsoft did you really move on from it.


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