Soulja Boy Has Released A "BRAND NEW" Handheld in 2021!

Back in 2018, rapper Soulja Boy caught the eye of the video game industry by selling knockoff Aliexpress system with his branding on them. Earlier in 2021, Soulja Boy announced Soulja Game was coming back, and a brand “new” handheld has just been released. So what it is? Let’s take a look!

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47 thoughts on “Soulja Boy Has Released A "BRAND NEW" Handheld in 2021!”

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    他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1618615051

  2. Think someone may have pulled it from Twitch? ….. but HIS own recent video/stream about all of this, ticked me off WAY more than the product itself existing! When there is no true accountability… enforcing of rules across the board, laws, etc.. nothing to lose, at risk & 9.99x out of 10, no matter…. people continue to just be encouraged, enabled, praised, supported & rewarded for their bad behavior… people like him & these products, yet again… is exactly what we're gonna get. Taking advantage of others, esp prob. young impressionable fans (those, who… without, he'd have NONE of the opportunities he's had) …. deceptively from their pockets, just to better line his own? THEN… have a total, disgusting attitude about anyone who dare even question, let alone call him out? WHAT entitlement… ego…. greed….. ball$ … just a total a%%hole imho! Tho doubtful, hope some big company, comes down hard enough THIS time, where…. the consequences are FELT &…. therefore, will be feared, going forward. He either doesn't 'get it' or.. simply doesn't give a $hit. Neither imho, are ok. Thanks for sharing! Stay safe & be well.

  3. Nah u where just a hater. He wasn't doing nothing other crac…weren't doing. What he should of done was sent the wolves at your neck. U don't claim to by knock offs but u went after him. Lame

  4. the games are just emulators u get from the typical chinese knockoff game systems. Soulja boy apparently claims it's all his since 3yrs ago. lol he's gonna say anything at this point, what a druggie.

  5. To his defense soldier boy has always been open about his passion for gaming so it’s not really left field. Well before gaming youtubers was a thing, he used to post videos of him playing halo and cod on Xbox. Doesn’t excuse him trying to push crappy devices though.


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