SPANISH LOVE Reaction – "Eula:Flickering Candlelight"| Genshin impact

SPANISH LOVE – “Eula:Flickering Candlelight” Reaction | Genshin impact

Hot Dayum
#EULA #GenshinImpact #AnimeRPG
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44 thoughts on “SPANISH LOVE Reaction – "Eula:Flickering Candlelight"| Genshin impact”

  1. I'll be tactful next time but lemme go all out with this one comment. Just once…

    Checklist why you should pull for Eula:

    > She Classy AF ✓
    > She Hot AF ✓
    > She Sexy AF ✓
    > She Graceful AF ✓
    > She Flexible AF ✓
    > She Elegant AF ✓
    > She Thicc AF ✓

    Oh, did I mentioned she HOT AF? yeah she H O T A F ! ! ! ✓ ✓ ✓
    She so hot she single-handedly melt all the snow in Dragonspine!!!

    (Sorry that trailer just ignited something in me… *ahem*)

  2. Amber Eula ship hype now.
    In Amber's voice line she specifically said she want to make a delicious Moon Pie but had trouble with it.

    Eula's special dish is Moon Pie.

  3. 0:50 – Transitions. Well it's MihoYo what do we expect. 1:34 and 1:43 too.

    And is her Normal attack a reference to certain dance? Idk but she's using a Goddamn GREATSWORD bruh.

    I also wonder who did those dance steps. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of motion capture.

  4. man they always butcher the Chinese to English translation 🙁 the last line is supposed to be: "then how about a dance with a sinner?" like come on! where's the FLAVOUR???


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