Spending all my $$$ ON THIS??! (3 Year Anniversary Collection Event)

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apex please give me a proper heirloom

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#apex #trunoom #apexlegends


32 thoughts on “Spending all my $$$ ON THIS??! (3 Year Anniversary Collection Event)”

  1. Do we like this new heirloom? Yay or Nay? 😜

    Also sorry about this video not being crazy edited. The update drops at 5am my time so I was tired as poop but I really wanted to get the video out for you guys asap <3
    Hope you enjoyed 💙💙

  2. "Heirloom" bloodhound skin should of just had new EVERYTHING (Finisher, trackers, intro pose, bird. banner frame, banner pose, special voicelines, two special legendary emotes, A legendary Holospray that is Animated not just switched colors) for it to compete with heirloom shards

  3. 1st video i watch from u and tbh i dont like the way you were just complaining more and more about the bloodhound skin like i understand you dont like it but god do you have to say it like 10-15 times that you dont like it. Ps Im not trying to hate or anything just saying so you fans dont need to attack me.

  4. I usually love holo sprays, like when I check the battle pass checking the holo spray art is one of my highlights. But yeah, it does suck knowing you have a limited chance to get a good skin or something in an Apex pack, and it reveals a holo spray. That's why it's such anxiety opening these free event packs. I wouldn't mind having the Get Hyped one tho, that shits dope.


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