Star Wars vs Warhammer 40K Episode 13: Faith and Fate Take the Stage

Rajulia has been a loyal warrior and daughter of the God Emperor since her earliest memories. Among all her tasks, all the enemies she has ever had to face in the name of mankind, she has abhorred none more than the psyker! And so it seems the Dark Gods have sent a horned emissary, a Xenos psyker wielding a sword of light!

Rajulia has never failed, for failure all too often means death. Yet now, cut off and cornered, the specter of both rear before her, and she goes fearlessly forward, her faith carrying her aloft, her fury leading the way. But can Faith defy the edict of Fate? Is Fury as great an ally as the Force?

Weapons are drawn, wagers are placed, and the curtains are pulled away. Faith and Fate have taken the stage!

Previous Episode:

First Episode:

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This video is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited, The Walt Disney Company, Lucas Films, or any other holders of the Warhammer 40,000 or Star Wars IPs. All associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe or the Star Wars universe are Explicitly the property and domain of their proper owners, of which I as well as anyone else involved in the making of Star Wars vs 40K, are not a part of. No challenge to their status is intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.


27 thoughts on “Star Wars vs Warhammer 40K Episode 13: Faith and Fate Take the Stage”

  1. It would be interesting to see a jedis reaction to the miracle of faith. Or what she would make of a living saint. I could just see her loosing it if our sister picked up he own decapitated head, put it back on and charged.

  2. its better for the Imperium to win the battle for Anaxes and the other planet since they only just came into the galaxy and if we want a prolong war, the Imperials need to atleast have several conquered planets that are well established to persecute a prolong state of war, unless they are going for a strategy similar to the stepp nomads and mongals in real life which is a mobile army constantly on the move, but that does not seem to be a smart strategy given they have an entire sector or refugee they need to also protect and they intend to colonize their holdings.

    Its also represent just how deadly they are, that even when a massive gathering of the jedi order and some of the best clone regiment can not uproot the imperials, and these are really just the defense force. not the 2 main forces

  3. Hey @AFAnWithTooMuchTime i have a question, If the Imperium start to convert a lot of planets in to the faith of the emperor, can a new chaos god appear as a manifestation of the emperor and disrupt The force or the faith/warp would only be more common and easy to use for regular people??

  4. Well my gues about 1-st season ending(writen in story format):

    1.Librerian would be raping all jedi that surraund him and they decide to retreat from the crueser


    2.Anakin, Ashoka and Rex succed in their operations and turn big bomb off


    3.Jedi on surface would be close to victory…but then Crueser start orbitan bombardment exectly in the spot where battle is(because they dont care about their own casuelties if that take most jedi off)


    4.90% ground jedi forces are dead or injured. The one who still alive try to retreat and save as many as they possibly could. Later many from those survivers would fall into Dark Side


    5. Imperial Guard is pretty dead too, but who care(Lazerus or 1313 still alive because they fighting in different place). After orbital bombardment Imperial Guard start to push Clone Forces back and even manage to capture some high Clone officers (like Comander Bly) and some survived(injuerd) jedi as prisoners to interagate(make inquisitor, comissar, chaplain, very very happy people)



    Whole battle end's with horrific defeat. Jedi Order try their best, put all they have on line…and fail misirably. From 5000 jedi(best half Order knight's) less then 2500 manage to survive. Many jedi masters die , even members of Jedi Counsule…More then half off supporting Clone Forces die as well…And they all die FOR NOTHING.

    Yep, they manage to achive some secondary targets here and there, manage kill tons of enemy troops, BUT…They fail in destroing enemy fleet, fail in capture Primerly target's on surface and in space, fail in rescue people from Death camp's across the planet…. fail in libirating Planet…and they pay to high price for their Fail


    What make situation even worse-mistery enemy even dont care about their losses because that was n't their main force from the start!!! There was n't any space marines etc! With this Jedi order would lost what have left from their support in the society of the Republic and the Senat. Tarkin point of view (proffesional military officers instead of jedi generals) end up Dominate in Republic Army and bleeding Order would be lost it influence…


    And here(in midle of hot Senate disscution) comes the news about destruction of CIS capital planet. Invader's rape off huge deffending CIS fleet like they were nothing and when General Grievus reinforsment came for help…Invaders rape them off, forcing Grievus to run away…


    And here realisation what horrific enemy they confront realy come…


    End of first season


    7. Hide consequence:


    During crueser aborting operation, battle group of jedi leadin by (put the name) was order to clear the lower deck from enemy forces. But enemies they faced, was n't just "normal" invaders…That were some kind of madman with 8-th end star mark printed across their whole body. They fight with bare hand's but so furiously, so violently that it could put "usuall" invaders in shame. While jedi group was pushing threw…they saw place…some dark ritual places…Bloody and …fuck! And this fucking star painted literally everywhere… More than than…something…some strange force manage to cloud jedi precognition vision, that make ambush from this madman's pretty effective. That was n't just Dark side, but something different…by far more scarier …(Yep, chaos cult base)


    Then the order to retreat came, jedi battlegroup( half of them that rest alive to this moment) gladly do so…But nightmare does nt end with this… Few weaks later, on Corusant police investegating chain of mistery religion murders on low levels of Corusant. They suspect a serial killer coz of violent way to kill his victims and same draw of 8-th end Star paint by victim blood near their body. Usually police dont really care about this criminal scum down there, but now…Now one of the new victims was a Senator and THAT scare high up's to shit…


    Ofcourse at this time, Republic high up's know nothing about Chaos cults, how it spread's and how fucking dangerous it could be…especiolly there, on low levels of Corusant. Even Palpatin could sense only some strange sort of darknes that grow in power and spreading benif his feat…When they came to realise, that would be already to late for them…


    8. My wishes:

    Shaak Ti vs Rejuilia fight would be disrapted by orbital bombartment and Sister fall unconscious by heating her head very hard. Here Shaak Ti take here as prisoner of Jedi Order and bring her to Corusant…For interegation…at least they think so. But they end up very surprise when even ten jedi masters with magister Yoda fail to break her mental armor. This was very bad state for the Order…They manage to take high rank prisoner, they need her information NOW more then ever, but they fail to interegate this mad fanatic women…


    Ofcourse the could try to torture her, but:

    1)Even that wont be easy to acomplish without killing Rejuilia in process

    2)Jedi codex stand against any kind of torture

    3)Yep, Jedi coud give THEIR prisoner to Republic army( in place where there is no such thing as jedi Codex), but after their deafeat… jedi cant aford to take Republic army( Chansler Palpatine) another advantege against Jedi Order…

    So they decide to change their methodes….

  5. Shaak Ti is wrong about one thing when she is saying the Force is her ally as the Force is everyone's ally, every Force sensitive being can use it for good or bad, be they Jedi or Sith….or Librarian or Psyker.

  6. say can we get the battle sisters slaying on dathomir next because there is a lot more witch clans on that planet then what we saw in the clone wars and i think the nuns would love the chance to cake that place in a darker shade of red

  7. Yo AFWTMT, just wanna say that I really appreciate these shorter videos, and I think you've been able to really do them justice despite the shorter length.

    Hope to see you more from you in 2021! May the Force be with you and may the Emperor guide your quill!

  8. I heard of a type of Custodes that strides off to guard people they deem special. Immaginr if one had snuck aboard to guard the Chapter Master? and had been lying in wait for the time to reveal themself. Likely after the politics are settled.

    Just spitballing lol

  9. I dont give a fuck, please bring in a version of galen marek (StarKiller) make him be born early or something, please. Also another great addition to the series. 😀👌😲🤯

  10. A damn impressive writing effort, masterful entertainment. The star wars and warhammer 40k fanboy inside me are fighting over who to root for,
    but I have to say, the warp basically folding to the imperium buffs them tremendously. I get that the grimdarkness of the 42nd millenium has to bleed into a galaxy far, far away, but until now some of the Imperiums greatest weaknesses(their overreliance on the warp, dysfunctional government/stupendous ruthlessness and inability to innovate in any sense) have not come to bear at all. I imagine all still to come, i just cant wait. At the end its the writer who decides how the building blocks of these universes fit together, and in that sense you have done a truly amazing job.

  11. While the Astartes are away, there has to be some converting going on. And I don't mean simply forced. Someone is in the need of saving and some Angels just happen to show up. Which means new regiments and lifted tech moratoriums. We all know a space dock and supply lines are needed. Have to set up the next stage in narrative. This is a story to be told.

    Perhaps a human world is having a Skyrim level problem which sets the stage for it becoming an Imperial Fists recruiting world when a sword brethren arrives on scene, Dovahkiin blasting. The Astartes would become seen as divine beings with monuments erected in their image. The locals would readily give up their force sensitives out of respect. To them, there is no honor greater than the privilege to walk in the halls of Valhalla among their heroes.

    A world is being disused by the CIS and turns into a forge world.

    Maybe one of the Republic worlds is near revolt over being stepped on by the Jedi/Republic for the last time [deep wounds]. Opportunity is seized upon leading to a furball in the skies wiping out the pdf force there to keep them compliant [Ace Combat vibes between aces]. This is where newly recruited forces are put the test; their trial by fire to earn their Mark of the Aquila, launching from a refitted first generation Venator with new voidcraft inside. The main character can symbolically have an eagle necklace wrapped around a piece of the cockpit near a grainy photo of he and his wingman flying together.

    Then there is a "Hero of Comberth Harbor" potential moment where a ship from the initial jump falls out of warp and translates into real space near a Republic hot point with dead communications. The last message received is a report of the transport getting hit. It happens to be a very old lance based battleship having a small hangar to launch SAC craft armed with some nasty weapons. Anyone attempting to approach gets jigsawed while hearing intense shouting over a hot mic when the guns start to malfunction [much of the original tech is still in place, but pre Imperium OLD]. They warp jump eventually when issues get bad only to reappear on emergency power in the sensor range of friendlies. [insert accidental Republic boarding team stow away arc that makes friends they should not]

  12. This isn't as entertaining at the previous episodes. It reminds me of Data's poetry recital. While it's clever it just doesn't have any feeling behind it anymore. It's like you're just reading a script. I think you should just quit while you're ahead.


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