Stat Checkers: The Most Broken… Yet Fair Champions | League of Legends

For today’s video, we’re gonna be talking about League’s most straightforward champions: Stat Checkers, and why they’re the most broken yet fair champions in the game.

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46 thoughts on “Stat Checkers: The Most Broken… Yet Fair Champions | League of Legends”

  1. Depends on how is overloaded, aphelios has all this stuff, bit he can only uses so much at any time, and he still has the weaknesses of most adcs, if you get on top of him, he is dead, and he has the worst range of any adc, so he also is wrak against burst and poke mages

  2. And I beg to differ here; Miss Fortune is the stat checker of ADCs. Free MS, high damage, low recoil animation time; most MF's I've seen in low elo don't even move/kite during fights, not to mention she doesn't really have a skillshot because the only things she really aims have hitboxes so large you can't miss.

  3. Stat checkers are worse. With overloaded champs you actually have to know how to play them. No one can blame riot for your skill. Reduce their stats and boom, higher skill floor and a necessity for skill to be efficient. On the other hand, stat checkers can just steal all their teammates' farm, be toxic as hell, and run the whole enemy team down without counterplay or room for error to win a game that they shouldn't have.

    Draven's not even a stat checker(even though some of his abilities meet the criteria), but I started to notice I was developing bad habits playing him in season 11. I'd end up in a game full of people with better fundamentals than me but win lane and sometimes the game just because I hit very hard and they can't make many plays while respecting that.

  4. I honestly Stat checkers are worse, because the Moment they outscaled you, you are not going to do anything against them. Players on Overloaded Champions need time to play the champion efficient so theres a outplay Potential, if you are clean with your champ.

  5. I think overloaded champs are marginally worse than stat checkers
    If someone is playing an overloaded champ and they're good enough they can kill anyone and everyone and you can't do much about it other than not fighting them, which is imposible seeing how people won't let you get free objectives without fighting
    Stat checkers can do the same thing but you can usually stop them with either items or leaving them behind (Kraken slayer + BotRK will shred dr mundo to pieces no matter how much stats he has, and there's pretty much nothing Garen or Mordekaiser can do when behind)
    I really believe that overloaded champs are kind of the oposite of the game itself: mobas revolve around macrogame and coordination, but those champs throw most macrogame out the window because you don't need objectives if you can kill the entire enemy team in a few seconds, not to discredit people who play champs like Yone or Irelia, killing the entire enemy team does take efford, but my point is that it changes focus of the game from strategy oriented to mechanic oriented, and when you try to do stuff like that it ends up being chaos because the game is not designed around that

  6. Now we have the new era of stat-checkers. The "mlg" statchecker. Pretty much the same, totaly braindead but also has a few "mlg" mechanics for the pros that if anything just make them even more impossible to counterplay.

  7. I think overloaded champs are way worse because if you played a game where the chances of getting a kill on someone drastically lowers after they get one item and them being able to one shot you is just bad game design while in my opinion going against a stat checker is pretty much an endurance race seeing who can stay alive longer while they are increasing their dmg/armor or magic pen/hp and their armor or magic resist making it harder to kill them but not really impossible

  8. They both have their uses. Stat checkers can also be used as a way to anchor the game and give a somewhat useful baseline to track how much power creep has made it into the game. Even with them getting some changes, they can still be measured against their past selves more easily than the overloaded champions. They also serve as effective entry level champions with their simple kits. The overloaded champions ensure that the players who desire something complex to master have a goal – since you can't control the whole team and there's only so much teamwork and group psychology you can leverage to try to get your team to work at their best. Personal goals are important to have for player retention.

  9. hey vars love the videos, can you make a video about champions riot nerfed or removed certain skill expressive mechanics about certain champions akali / sylas animation cancels, galio flash taunt removal, rengar q rework etc. this would be really cool to think about why riot wants to make league of legends simple as possible without rewarding players for mastery of skill on the champion.

  10. Volibear is a stat checker imo as well, while yes e and ult are skill shots technically, both can be semi confirmed with q and he gets a boat load of stats and scaling on those stats with passive ult and w. Awesome vid as always Vars

  11. In low elo soloq, both are absolute nightmares to deal with, but it is a bit easier to "work around" stat checkers to an extend, at least Juggernauts. Overloaded champs however tend to be kind of the oposite. Statsticks need to get ahead in some way, or they become useless, like Nasus without stacks, or Trynda without THICC BUCKS, because they just get outscaled, out-itemed and out-macroed, because most they can do, is walk up to you and hope that their item efficiency is better than yours, which only happens if their are ahead of you.

    On the other hand, all it takes for Irelia (though she is kind of BOTH), Yone and stuff to enter god made, is a bit of farm. You can try to starve them in lane as much as you want, once they get their first or second item, they will destroy you, just because.

    You might call statsicks "fuck the rules, i have money", but overloaders are "fuck the game, I am Chad Thundercock and I have three bucks and a paper clip".

  12. In theory 200 years champion have more stuff they can potentially mess up. The problem starts when Yone misses both his ult and Q and still kills you. Then it feels like you are being stat checked

  13. Stat checkers are fine when they have weaknesses. Nasus CAN be kited outside of a 1v1 because his only "mobility" is slowing someone down to be slower than him and he doesn't have a "real" defensive steroid.

    Garen on the other hand has a speed boost that also cleanses slows alongside a W that gives a dummy amount of stats and 60% tenacity on activation (for 0.75 seconds but you literally just hit the button when Ashe tries to Arrow you). Garen also gets a 800 non scaling true damage nuke for free in his kit so he can easily invest in more things to make him impossible to kite such as Stridebreaker, Merc Treads, FoN, Deadman's, etc. so he gets to 200+ of each resist and 3k+ health.

    Stat checkers are typically balanced by the fact that with a collective effort they can be locked down and dealt with fairly easily. Garen is better than most other juggernauts while grouped, but is also infuriating to deal with isolated in a side lane because he either outstatchecks you in a given fight, or he takes a horrendous trade and ends up back at full health sitting in fog for 10 seconds and tries again. Again, he only has to get you to about 30-40% health for the ult to kill you.

  14. Love your videos man. Been watching you for a year more or less and it kinda surprises me that not many people do point out the amount of bangers you use for these videos. I really like when you put Fire Emblem music in the videos, you are definitely a man of culture. I also love the references to Smash Bros, I'd love to see you discussing about Smash Ultimate meta at some point.

  15. Overloaded champs may be hugely frustrating but in an environment where everyone is overloaded it opens up so much more skill expression as opposed to just wacking each other until someone dies

  16. Riot has a problem with extremes when it comes to skill expression. Too hard champs can never be good for normal players and too easy champs can never see pro play unless they are broken or specific counters.

  17. I think most tanks are stat checkers possibly all of them cause if your rammus what are you going to do I to a Bork plus like ldr really anything doesn't matter how much HP or armour those items remove a massive amount of both. like even shen if I I items and someone like Yas has 2 I am never going to beat him without any other forms of damage unless he is the one to make mistakes. it me doing the outplay. unlike Akali I could probs kill him as long as I use my W well and space correctly I should have a chance. I can go on but I won't idk it might be the champs I play all are with the exception of Akali but Ornn, malph, rammus, shen mord I think have all the same amount of stat checking required. I just listed them cause they are all the champs I have over 50k mastery points on but Akali. also god it kinda sucks to be a tank main ATM cause other then turbo rammus being amazing they just keep adding and buffign max HP items characters and stuff. Bork got a buff when it was already better then a mythic and Evey new champ has at least 1 way to do max HP damage or current hp damage.

  18. Stat checkers are healtier to the game than Overloaded ones in my opnion. At least they have to pick enemies 1 by one, giving you plentiy of time to organize and position better to mitgate their impact and it is very stisfiying to use one skill of your champion to deny a stat cheker the oportunity to do something, like stunning a Trydamare that was trying to get to some one, giving some one a fat shield so they can survive garens Ult, or picking a tresh lantern to scape the incoming doom of an angry trundle, meanwhile if there is an 200 years champion you can't really do anything, they are able to dodge even point an click CC, some can ignore shields and the ones that don't dosen't rely as much on landing a single spike of damage as stat checkers do, and they can just move more and faster than you can run or support can move you around.

  19. I love stat checkers, there's something so satisfying about absolutely planting a meta slave, just knowing there's a sweaty dweeb having an aneurysm because their 200 years broken BS champion got 2 bonked by a Nasus makes me smile.


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