STOP Letting LOW ELO Players Get Away with MURDER! – League of Legends

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24 thoughts on “STOP Letting LOW ELO Players Get Away with MURDER! – League of Legends”

  1. The thought process McBase was asking about is actually quite easy to understand – any low elo player lacks a proper understanding of nearly every aspect of the game. And the lower that understanding is, the more scared the players are. The most of them are focusing on how not to die way harder than on how to kill and snowball. And I'm talking from experience.

  2. 8:15 I feel for that TF. I get him. I main the champ and his autos at lvl 1 are very weak to even last hit a minion. He tried to q the minion in fact at 8:25 not akali. And of course he was playing very passively.. That akali could've killed him any time. One combo and one ignite? He's a dead man walking who should've picked a better ban.

  3. Honestly the "trolling" calls bugs me immensenly. Trolling kind of mean that player is actually doing something bad whilst beeing aware of how proper plays looks like. Seriously you should stop this. Players represented here are not trolls, they are not trolling they are just straight bad (regular) gold players.
    This makes me even sicker cause this channel provides tons of useful information and you must understand that you are encouraging community of overusing false statements.

  4. I win almost every single mid lane in high platinum playing Neeko. 2 things that helped me a lot were knowing my champ (and all the small things about it) well and going very agresive in the lane. Unless the matchup is very bad (anivia/lux/xerath) it is pretty damn easy. The whole diffrent story is converting the lead to winning the game. Sadly a champ like Neeko is not a hyper carry (but the team can use the stunns anyway). I belive if i played more than a few games weekly I would reach diamond without too much effort and a lot of it is thanks to Skil Capped vids. Thanks for that.

  5. probably more helpful than example after example would be a decision list/checklist for when to play aggro/go for kills vs. defensive. also I'm a professor and uh this tone towards students doesn't really help anyone…


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