Story of Alcina Dimitrescu Explained Resident Evil Village – (Resident Evil 8)

So in this video we cover the story of Alcina Dimistrescu in resident evil village and how she came to be. Where we cover her concept design as a character, how she attained her powers from Mother Miranda, and what role she played in re village while we played as Ethan Winters.

We also cover the inspirations to her character and what impact she had during our playthrough in resident evil 8 and much more. which in this resident evil village review, we see how she worked against us in castle Dimitrescu, how she treated her three daughters, and where we see her final mutation during her boss battle.

Anyways if you guys enjoyed this video then please feel free to like and subscribe to my channel HeY DeVuh for more resident evil content in the future.



38 thoughts on “Story of Alcina Dimitrescu Explained Resident Evil Village – (Resident Evil 8)”

  1. Honestly I can't help but feel a little disappointed. I had thought she was going to be the main villain and that the game would have taken place in the entire castle (Kinda like the first game) I mean the castle is pretty impressive and I wish we saw more of it since it looks huge. She didn't feel all that intimidating since she was just the first boss.

  2. Is "stupid man thing" the new "ha ha ha good luck" :'D
    Nice video DeVuH! Always enjoying to get up early in the morning, for work, and see you uploaded a new video 💜 (it's 07:48 a.m. In Germany now)

  3. She was definitely a cool character and awesome boss. Also, I had a feeling she was gonna transform into some body horror monster in that Boss fight but I digress. Still a great boss character.

  4. No matter how impressed you are with the elegance of Alcina Dimitrescu or Fantasise about having fun with her, she wants nothing more than your blood and flesh. Her cursed hunger and thirst will never end.

  5. Her & Benevieto or whatever were my favorite. Lady D had such a cool castle. & the tension between her & her daughters was intense.
    The final transformation caught me off guard & it reminded me of some castlevania/contra hybrid creature. I really hope we get to see more of her in DLC's I love her.

    Plus her facial animations are so gorgeous. If you glitch her outside of the Dukes room in her castle you can see this clear look of anger & frustration. Easy to miss but very fun to look at

  6. Capcom can talk till the cows come home. The design is 100 % lifted from metal singer Maria Brink. Just look at the cover of In this Moments album Black Widow. Even the sharp fingernails are there.

  7. Spoiler- letting you know now because this will spoil then ending

    It's actually funny, because they call Ethan "man thing", because we don't know yet that he is mostly mold at this point, and it came full circle at the end show when Ethan really died
    It was something I wondered since I first heard it, because not only dose she say it but her daughter's say it during there fight, it's extremely great foreshadowing for those paying attention

  8. Alcina was the best villain in the game imo, I'm disappointed that she wasn't around through most of the game.
    I'm hoping that Capcom will make DLC showing her backstory or imply that she's still alive. They know how popular she is and it would be such a waste if they didn't do anything else with her.


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