Summon Or Skip? New Eula Banner & Song of Broken Pines | Genshin Impact

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50 thoughts on “Summon Or Skip? New Eula Banner & Song of Broken Pines | Genshin Impact”

  1. Would this weapon banner be worth pulling on if these are the things I need: Sacrificial Sword, Song of Broken Pines, Wolf's Gravestone, Amos' Bow, Jade Winged Spear, or Skyward Harp? Thanks

  2. last time xynian was on a banner i got C6 of her easily, and nothing else, she is the barbara of this banner expect the odds to be cheating for 10 xynians 1 anything else

  3. I'm summoning for Eula just because she's the only greatsword user I can potentially like; Don't like Diluc, actually I hate him, don't know where to put Beidou, Razor's boring…

  4. My abyss floor 12 team is beidou c6 main dps, xinyan c6, xinqiu c3 and xiangling c3 and she does better than diluc here (my pepega hands cant keep him alive). Electro charge with beidou and xinqiu ult is crazy and its an off field damage. I use lithic blade r4 and lithic spear r3 I do great with this team and I think they are pretty good. Xinyan is kind of a weird unit but I use her for shield, pyro resonance, lithic blade/spear buff and recharge xiangling ult, I might change her for fischl when I finish her build dunno yet

  5. 5 out of 7 weapons on the banner are top tier meta
    both 5 star are Top power
    enough said

    Ps: Don't hit me with '' BuT I dOnT caRe abOuT meTa'' for WEAPONS , what else is there when considering weapons

  6. Im rolling on the weapon banner in my f2p eu account for the first time. Hopefully rust, sacrificial sword or sacrificial fragments come home🤲🏻 mihoyo be gentle please


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