Survival Hunter 9.0 Shadowlands: Tips And Tricks for Rotation and Pets

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Hey everyone what’s up, what’s going on and welcome back 🙂

I have been getting alot of comments about what pets I use and WHY.. plus questions about my rotation with raptor strike added in and how do you integrate it all into a rotation. WELL….this isn’t gonna be a super indepth guide on those things but this should clear the air about most things. If you all want a in depth guide on certain aspects of the sv hunter let me know in the comments below so I can compile a list and make sure I can answer your questions to the best of my ability.

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Till Next Time


17 thoughts on “Survival Hunter 9.0 Shadowlands: Tips And Tricks for Rotation and Pets”

  1. My SV Hunter alt is getting geared and soon I will be able to do some M+ with it, this is a very handy video dude 😀
    As a question: Which pet do you like to use in Thorgast? I love to use a Gorilla, it's Ferocity so it has Lust, but it also has that shield which he pops when he gets low HP. Great pet for in there.

  2. u know…i used weakaura for Wildfire Infusion and be like traffic light but add watch SS debuff beside Green light. However am trying to setup alerts me for reapply SS and was think to use flashing green border around SS icon. I guess that's good idea.

    [SS] [G]
    ….. [B]
    ….. [R]

    1. Green light is to tell u GO, mean keep Green Bomb on cd and but make sure the current target have SS before throw it. Ever AoE targets too for Hydra's Bite.
    2. Blue light is for prepare to do 2x RS, KC, then RS once and that filled stack of bleeds on the single target. I don't know rotation for AoE that use Carve, i seen 2x Carve in full duration of Blue Bomb and that fill 2 stack of bleed on AoE. However no chance for 3rd stack on AoE, because Carve have 6sec cd and 35 focus cost.
    3. Red light is to check ur focus before spam KC, that way u can go for fill ur focus and also stop use KC if focus capped during Red Bomb debuff. However if u got room of focus for 3rd KC to get stacked TotS or do this 2xKC,RS,2xKC,RS. Also nearest focus capped then dump once or twice by use RS before use KC.

    hope u like that idea from Weakaura, if not that alright and it's just for me that work well.

  3. Man keep up the great work! Your Channel helps me a lot 🙂

    I got a little story
    In BFA i played my Surv Hunter to lv 118 with a wildfire infusion build – Now its getting wierd – with the level squish, Blizzard sets my lv to 47 or something like that and wildfire infusion had to be unlocked again at lv 50

    But i still have the shrapnell when i use my bomb (with all benefits) – so now i can play with birds of pray and allways shrapnell Bomb

    since the squish i haven't skilled wildfire – but i think i'm losing a lot of damage without classic wildfire

    What are you guys Thinking about that?

    – sorry if something is not correct, im from Germany and i don't write english often.

  4. as I see it, you should almost never (in single target) be intentionally building 3 stacks of tip unless you are following up on a pheromone bomb. the way to think of it is that tip's damage bonus is LINEAR, meaning if you hit a 2 stack strike and then a no stack strike, you would have done the same damage as if you had hit two 1 stack strikes. because of this most of my rotation is alternating between KC and RS, especially if I'm using the KC damage bonus conduit to maximize its uptime. it's useful to keep KC on cooldown but not burn through both stacks right away because that'll usually result in downtime.

  5. I like to open with bomb if its not poison one, then carve to spend focus and after that serpent + killcommand tab target to dot everything in my sights and get some sweet attack speed. Carve on CD, execute on cd and use bombs to my advantage. Im fairy, so every 2min on aoe pull I push my covenant + assault + trinkets macro, one to two bombs and pack is down with 10k+ dps under my name. I lack damage on single target fights, but in aoe there is noone that can match me 😀

  6. I'll just add for the pet select section that for PVP the undead pets have a huge advantage. Undead pets are immune to most CC's. You can't scare beast them, polymorph them, hex them. The only bad matchup for an undead pet is a Paladin or priest. The only CC that works on an undead pet is repentance, shackle undead, and the ret pally ability ashes which stuns for 5 secs. All the other pets can be CC'd by so many abilities.

  7. Awesome video. I do have a bomb question. When you are fighting an AoE pack who do you aim the bombs at? Do you aim it at the furthest target in the pack? Do you aim at someone in the middle of the pack? Do you not prioritize aiming it at anyone?
    The animation makes it look like it isn't hitting everyone so I just wanted to ask your opinion.

  8. I’ve always played MM hunter but I want to try something new this time. I’ve never played this iteration of survival since it was completely reworked and I’m just curious about it.

    Is Night Fae good for survival?
    What’s the best all around legendary? (Raids and mythic+)

  9. Switched from arms to survival hunter cause it's way more fun imo. Your guides really helps out a lot.

    Awesome guides for survival hunters. You deserve way more subs but I think it reflects the amount of survival hunters out there…


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