Surviving the early game. [Masters Urgot vs Sett] – League of Legends

Thanks for watching, appreciate you guys.
Twitch Stream:
My Indepth Urgot Guide:
Outro Music:
#Urgot #Season12 #LeagueofLegends


10 thoughts on “Surviving the early game. [Masters Urgot vs Sett] – League of Legends”

  1. I'm self learning about league and i am happy with so much more content i can spot as i am getting better and know more about things like split pushing or wave management, it's just pleasant to watch your game knowing why you did specific actions and i am always learning something new, i wouldn't think of taking d shield against sett, but fleet and cull were clear cases. I think d shield might be good against sett as we'll have cull AD to last hit early more easly and there is no point in trying to poke out decent sett player due to his passive, so we can just run for the sustain from d shield and stay a bit longer on lane if needed. So before this vid i would usually go d blade against sett, but i guess i will think twice about it in my next game against him. Anyway thanks for your content i really enjoy watching some high level urgot games and if there is any other reason why taking d shield is better this matchup i would be thankful for explanation

  2. I don't know if you already saw it, but a new Urgot skin splashart got released. It's only a concept art but at least we can tell know that urgot finally gets a skin in this year

  3. Honestly, this is why you're my favorite league streamer to watch (even moreso than xiaoming's aatrox), since you actually make occasional bad plays (which is normal), and you take responsibility for your mistakes, just some really incredible mental which is such a great role model behaviour for all players (analysing and reflecting on bad plays, etc)


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