Surviving The First Winter of Medieval Dynasty- Part 3

Hunt, survive, build and lead in the harsh Middle Ages: Create your own Medieval Dynasty and ensure its long-lasting prosperity or die trying! Become A Usual!


23 thoughts on “Surviving The First Winter of Medieval Dynasty- Part 3”

  1. Please Americans stop calling the UK Europe not you dude just most Americans do it and another one is Wales England 10.000 years of History got us to be the county we are. even though I'm a ethnic minority in my own Welsh town. Eastern Europe and Portuguese descended on my town about 15 years ago

  2. Neebs Gaming has 2.01m subs and they curse all the time. Glock9 I think has over 225k subs and her curses all the time. You are an acquired taste when it comes to channels. I didn't really like you at first but you kind of grew on me. I discovered you through the Night of the Dead series and you are the reason I bought the game. I think you just aren't as charismatic as some streamers and that is what hurts your channel. I like your videos now but started off watching them kind of Meh. Not trying to be mean, just being honest and of course it's my opinion.

  3. I never understand why people are so frequently rude on live streams, anyone would think they had paid you to make specific content just for them!
    I know it can be frustrating to watch someone struggle when you know the answer but thatā€™s no excuse for bad manners.
    Iā€™m a number 1 by the way! This is one time Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not an Aussie! šŸ’©
    The hud and many other aspects of this game remind me of Bethesdaā€™s ā€œOblivionā€ game. It feels very familiar and comfortable. That said, the controls are not always intuitive, neither is the progression, it is early, early days though.
    As for cussing, I get really bored with repeated cussing but the occasional expletive is forgivable, especially when you get attacked unexpectedly!


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